In the process of the primaries and the election a lot of discussion has come around history in the making and what not. I was driving home last night when I started thinking about the basis of my thoughts and how I came to form the opinion that I do about the potential for women to be presidential candidates. I have never been a big fan of Hillary Clinton and when she was running for President, I had strong opininons. I believe that our country is not ready for a woman in the oval office. Keep reading before you flame me.
Lets take a look at the historical facts here people. The constution was written by all men in the year 1776. It stated that all "men" were created equally. The word that covers the subject of looking at past events is history (HIS-Story). The civil war ended in 1865. It was to "free" the slaves. However, it wasn't until 1868 until they were given the right to vote underneath the 14th amendment. Although this amendment was passed, there were still discrimination going on. Women were given the right to vote in 1920 with the 19th Amendment, 52 years after the African Americans were granted their right. The civil rights movement which fought for equality, helped move our country along in terms of progress. Does racism still exist? Yes. Is it a terrible thing yes.
More prevalant in my life is sexism. It took 52 years after the right to vote was granted to African Americans to give women the right to vote. This is why I believe that our country, while I want it to be is not ready for a woman President. Do I believe that women can run the country? Without a doubt in my mind. This is why I believe that Barack Obama recived the nomination. I don't believe that the democratic party did a good job of putting forth a candidate that could actually challenge Bush in the previous election. It was a choice between rich white boy number 1 and 2.
I watched his infomercial last night and I truly love the way that he speaks. I find democratic speakers typically more moving with the exception of Rudy Guliani. I got chills when he spoke and I was inspired for probably the first time in my voting HIS-tory. We all might have our different opinions and the results will be in next Tuesday for sure. My generation is very apathetic and the fact that he is making us inspired is truly a historical time. The infomercial told the stories of individuals who are living the same stories that we are every day. As a marketer and a communications major, I would say that they were trying to send the message that he's out there for every American and not just the BANKS, and big corporations.
I am a lover of history, and I will be thrilled when Barack comes into office in January, if that is how the country votes. May the best candidate win.
Thanks for reminding us that women have barely had a century to cast their votes.
I can't wait to make my vote count.