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Vietnam Vet "69-70"

Education > 1967 Info for Kristy and a Picture

1967 Info for Kristy and a Picture

OKAY, before I post that picture I promised, you need some background about the year it was taken. The year was 1967 and here are some of the big events of the year,,,,,,

January 14
The Human Be-In takes place in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco; the event sets the stage for the Summer of Love.

January 15
Super Bowl I: The Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35–10 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

January 18
A Fistful of Dollars, the first significant "spaghetti Western" film, is released in the United States.

February 14 – Respect is recorded by Aretha Franklin (to be released in April).

March 7 – Jimmy Hoffa begins his 8-year sentence for attempting to bribe a jury.

April 4 – Martin Luther King, Jr. denounces the Vietnam War during a religious service in New York City.

April 14 – In San Francisco, 10,000 march against the Vietnam War.

April 15 – Large demonstrations are held against the Vietnam War in New York City and San Francisco.

April 28
In Houston, Texas, boxer Muhammad Ali refuses military service.

May 1
Elvis Presley and Priscilla Beaulieu are married in Las Vegas.

June 1 – The Beatles legendary release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, nicknamed "The Soundtrack of the Summer of Love"; it would be number one on the albums charts throughout the summer of 1967.

August 5 – Pink Floyd releases their debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn in the United Kingdom.

Jim Morrison and The Doors defy CBS censors on The Ed Sullivan Show, when Morrison sings the word "higher" from their #1 hit Light My Fire, despite having been asked not to.

October 17 – The musical Hair opens off-Broadway. It moves to Broadway the following April.

December 31 – The Green Bay Packers become the first team in the modern era to win their third consecutive NFL Championship, 21-17 over the Dallas Cowboys in what became known as "The Ice Bowl".

Other misc. info,,

Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.05
Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.33
Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.49
Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.03

So that was the year, and this is what Pat and I looked like!

posted on Aug 18, 2010 4:10 PM ()


this is a sweet photo.... young love, you can see it.
comment by cindy on Aug 19, 2010 10:18 PM ()
Yeah, we were quite the couple when we were young, always together, I was and still am head over heels in love.
reply by saito56 on Aug 20, 2010 5:02 AM ()
and I really feel for milk prices... they need to be raised!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 18, 2010 8:29 PM ()
Yeah, the milk has not gone up that much since then. I am sure the dairy farmers cost has gone up though.
reply by saito56 on Aug 19, 2010 4:33 AM ()
OOO the Packers --- THE PACK! That's what got my attentionfirst, aside from my name. haha THEN! THEN! All the music... man I love music... then the prices... I cna't even fathom it... AND! LOVE the pic!!! You two are sooo freakin cute!!! I am so glad you posted this... you guys are adorable!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 18, 2010 8:25 PM ()
There was so much history back then, the music, the civil rights, the war protests, then there was Pat and I. I fell head over heels in love for her, and still am today. Time has not treated either of us well, old age creeps up on everyone. I still feel like that kid in the picture, until I try to use my knees!
Pat and I use to drive her two sisters and their friends to the local dance on Saturday nights, we charged them $1 for gas. With that $3 or $4 we could almost get a full tank of gas. That's what I miss the most!!
reply by saito56 on Aug 19, 2010 4:37 AM ()

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