CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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Entertainment > So! You Think You're Normal!

So! You Think You're Normal!

I came across these tests while surfing. I thought they were interesting, so I took them.

How Emotional Are You?

Persons high on Emotionality have good access to and awareness of their own feelings. Low scorers are less aware of their feelings and tend not to express their emotions openly. Your score below is compared to others of the same age and sex.

Your Results:

Your level of emotionality is average. You accept the feelings you have and display them appropriately. This is a great attitude to bring to a relationship. Communicating your happiness to your partner is very important.

The second test evaluates one's personality in five broad areas as well as giving a bar graph and percentile score in subsets under the broad area. In abbreviated version, here is mine! The actual explanation of each is more detailed.

Extraversion is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts enjoy being with people, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. They tend to be enthusiastic, action-oriented, individuals who are likely to say "Yes!" or "Let's go!" to opportunities for excitement. In groups they like to talk, assert themselves, and draw attention to themselves.
Introverts lack the exuberance, energy, and activity levels of extraverts. They tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and disengaged from the social world. Their lack of social involvement should not be interpreted as shyness or depression, however.


You extraversion score indicates that you are an ambivert. This means that you fit in at almost all social situations. You can feel comfortable at a small gathering of close friends and at a party with lots of different people. It also means though that you often feel a need to rest after a lot of social activity, and to go out after being alone for a while.


Your level of conscientiousness is high. You are focused and goal-orientated. People see you as dependable, disciplined and industrious, and you have a strong will to succeed in everything that you do, including relationships.

Agreeableness reflects individual differences in concern with cooperation and social harmony. Agreeable individuals value getting along with others. They are therefore considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with others'. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy.


You have an average level of agreeableness, which means that you can switch easily between cooperation and competition. In relationships, you are a negotiator who pushes for win-win solutions to problems, a skill that you use outside relationships too.

Neuroticism refers to the tendency to experience negative feelings. People high in neuroticism are emotionally reactive. Those who score high on Neuroticism may experience primarily one specific negative feeling such as anxiety, anger, or depression, but are likely to experience several of these emotions.


Your level of neuroticism is low, which is excellent for a relationship. It means that you are resilient and will respond to stress in a calm and rational way. That's a good thing.

Openness to Experience describes a dimension of cognitive style that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down-to-earth, conventional people. Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of their feelings.


Your openness to experience level is average. You're a moderate, flexible person who balances the tried-and-tested with a little experimentation. This is an excellent approach to bring to a relationship. You don't need concrete proof before you are willing to change your ways and you're open to new ideas.


Conscientiousness concerns the way in which we control, regulate, and direct our impulses. Impulses are not inherently bad; occasionally time constraints require a snap decision, and acting on our first impulse can be an effective response. Also, in times of play rather than work, acting spontaneously and impulsively can be fun. Impulsive individuals can be seen by others as colorful, fun-to-be-with, and zany.


Your level of conscientiousness is high. You are focused and goal-orientated. People see you as dependable, disciplined and industrious, and you have a strong will to succeed in everything that you do, including relationships.

Your Results: E=A=C++N-O=60 Guess that puts my personality traits close to average. I don't seem to have any aberrant traits at all. Thanks to Dr. Johnson for the explanation of each personality trait. If you would like to take either of these or see what other tests are offered, go to https://Mary.comweb counter

posted on Apr 12, 2008 11:42 AM ()


That was intriguing!
comment by susil on Apr 13, 2008 8:19 AM ()
It's interesting to find out things about yourself. But "normal" doesn't exist on my radar. You are a very special one-of-a-kind you, and that's all I need to know!
comment by marta on Apr 13, 2008 4:11 AM ()
Do we have to count debts and health! Fraid I'm in trouble if we do!
comment by redimpala on Apr 12, 2008 3:07 PM ()
Normal when you are free of debt,health,etc.
So guess this make me flaky.
comment by fredo on Apr 12, 2008 2:05 PM ()
Normal is a setting on a washing machine...nothing else..
comment by elfie33 on Apr 12, 2008 12:09 PM ()

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