Here are a few little tidbits from Joanie Bug...if the shoe fits....

Nelson Mandela is sitting at home watching television when he hears a knock on the door. When he opens it, a little Japanese man is standing there with a clipboard in his hand. He shoves it in front of Mandela yelling, "You sign! You sign!" Behind the little man is a huge truckload of car exhausts.
Mandela is standing there in amazement when the little man again shoves it in his face, yelling even louder, "You sign! You sign!"
Mandela says to the man, "Look, fella, you have obviously got the wrong guy;" and shuts the door in the little Japanese man's face.
The next day the little man is back again. This time he has a truckload full of brake pads. He thrusts the clipboard under Mandela's nose and yells, "You sign! You sign!"
Mandela is getting a little hacked off by now, so he shoves the little Japanese man back shouting, "Look! I don't want them! Now, get lost!" Once again, he shuts the door in the little Japanese man's face.
The next day Mandela is resting when the doorbell rings. The little Japanese man is back, this time with TWO truckloads full of wing mirrors. He again thrusts the clipboard in front of Mandela's face, demanding, "You sign! You sign!"
Mandela completely loses his temper, picks the little man up by his shirtfront and yells at him. "Don't you understand? I DON'T want these! You must have the wrong man! To whom do you want to give these?"
The little man looks a bit confused,consults his clipboard again and says, "You not Nissan Main Dealer?"
News Flash To B: You do not have all the facts; and the ones you do have are not the way it actually went down. Don't you think I wanted to believe the "I just went along for the ride story?" But I wasn't quite as gullible as you. I held his feet to the fire until he finally admitted that he was not an innocent bystander.
News Flash To G: My DNA is as follows: Irish, French/Indian, English. That, according to my oncologist and he has the DNA test results. Would you like copies from my oncologist. I would just be delighted to send them to you! Sort of makes a liar out of someone, doesn't it? You can pass that along when you see her down there.
News Flash To All MyBloggerstown Residents:
You only have a few more days to file your taxes! Better get started!