CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Musings, Movings, and Miners

Musings, Movings, and Miners

One final comment on my recent posts detailing some of the trials in my early life.  In retrospect, those were traumatic times; but they strengthened me emotionally and spiritually.  When we go through those tough times we all must face in this imperfect world,  we have a choice on how to react.  Some get stronger; others get weaker. 
Next Friday, the 15th, is Moving Day, so I started packing dishes yesterday. I have filled five boxes and still have at least two more to go before I have all the kitchen packed.  I just hope I have a place for all this stuff when I get in my new home.  I guess if I don't the rest will go to charity.  
Holly and Bevan will be moving to Dallas on November 6.  Everything has gone smoothly with one exception.  When they lived in Dallas previously, Bailey attended school at Prestonwood Christian Academy.  She wanted to go back to be with her friends.
The school currently has an opening in second grade for Kenzie; however, the seventh grade core classes are full; they do have openings in the elective classes.  So, for the time being, Bailey will have to take her core classes online;  she will take her electives and go to chapel on campus.  We are hoping that by mid-term that will change.
Good news from Chile....it appears the miners are just days away from rescue.  The rescue team broke through this morning after just 33 days, months ahead of the original projection.   That is a testament to how hard those rescue workers labored to free these brave men who have now been 2000 feet below the surface for 66 days.
Family members have kept a vigil at the site in a tent village.  Today, some of the women were getting their hair done in anticipation of seeing their husbands and sweethearts again.  The wife of the Chilean President has joined the families at the tent village to buoy and encourage them through these last tension-filled days.
Let us all pray that the rescues go well.

posted on Oct 9, 2010 5:37 PM ()


Good luck with the move. When Ed and I packed our breakables (instead of letting the moving company do that part), we vowed this would be our last move ever. Meanwhile, a dear friend from my Chicago days (older than I am) has moved 5 times in the last three years. She said the secret is not to unpack.
comment by tealstar on Oct 10, 2010 6:45 AM ()
I have moved about that many times in the last five years; but this packing has been hard on me. This will be my last time to pack. If I have to move again, I'll hire all of it done.
reply by redimpala on Oct 11, 2010 5:56 AM ()
I hope I never have to move again--the only way I would is if I win the powerball then I would just get everything new, have it delivered and put in its place
comment by greatmartin on Oct 9, 2010 9:05 PM ()
I hear you, Martin. I was just thinking today as I was packing how each time it gets a little harder and takes a little more out of me. This will have to be my last move. I'm just getting too old for this.
reply by redimpala on Oct 9, 2010 9:09 PM ()

Need some more packing peanuts via FedEx?
comment by marta on Oct 9, 2010 8:26 PM ()
I'll take any thing someone wants to contribute at this point!!
reply by redimpala on Oct 9, 2010 8:34 PM ()
comment by jondude on Oct 9, 2010 7:03 PM ()
Thanks jd....hey, congratulations to the Ohio Buckeyes! Looks as though they may be the new #1 team!!!
reply by redimpala on Oct 9, 2010 8:35 PM ()

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