CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

Life & Events > Hellish Mil; Update on Mother; Blessings & Sorrow

Hellish Mil; Update on Mother; Blessings & Sorrow

Well, it's that busiest of times for all of us. Sorry to be so slow in putting up a post, but I have been inundated with things to get done.

Kenna started her new job with the city Friday, so now, I have to take Grandson to school and pick him up. After the first of the year, he is going to start riding the bus. He isn't thrilled about it, but that is the plan, nonetheless.

Holly, Bevan and the girls will be here the day after Christmas. They will spend the 24th and Christmas Day in Tulsa before coming here for about a five-day visit. As usual, the mother-in-law from hell managed to screw me out of another Christmas with them.

Every year I remind them of this; every year they promise to spend next Christmas with us; every year she manipulates it in such a way that those two days are the ONLY time all her family will be together<

Holly can't stand the woman; but she gives in to her husband. Rather than put additional pressure on her, I just usually let it go until after the holidays, when I give them my annual reminder that NEXT YEAR IS MY TURN!

Of course, it does no good when the time comes; but I feel better for a few days, at least.

We are going to try to bring Mother from the nursing home here for a few hours on Sunday after Christmas so that she can spend at least a little time with them. It is now a major undertaking getting her here as she is completely wheel-chair bound. We have to have her transported here in a van that can load and unload her in the wheelchair; then, the driver must come to pick her back up.

Her mind gets worse as time passes; I just hope by next Christmas, if she is still with us, she will even recognize us. The other day, when we went for a visit, she was staring at the windowsill. When we asked her why, she stated that she was watching the snake on her windowsill.

When we said we could see no snake, she got irate, insisting it was there, that it had been there for days, and that sometimes it stuck out its tongue at her.

She started to tell us something about one of her sisters, but was unable to remember her name. The last CAT scan of her brain indicated that it was shrinking in size--an indicator of Alzheimer's.

I pray she doesn't hang on for years in a vegetative state. There are many up there in that very condition.

Well, enough depressing news. It is a time to be thankful for our blessings. I am thankful that my children and grandchildren will all be together, irregardless of the circumstances; I am thankful that Mother will be with us this Christmas and know us all still. I am especially thankful that Kenna is working once more.

I will always regret that Gordon is not with me for Christmas. I miss him most at Christmas for very personal reasons.

Have a great Tuesday, everyone..web stats

posted on Dec 16, 2008 8:01 AM ()


Same here.Our thoughts are with you.
comment by fredo on Dec 16, 2008 10:33 AM ()
My thoughts are with you. To go through all of this is challenging for all.
comment by anacoana on Dec 16, 2008 9:13 AM ()

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