CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
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My Wild Dreams

Cities & Towns > The Friday Report from Dallas

The Friday Report from Dallas

Today is the day we have anticipated for four years now...the beginning of the Summer Olympics.  At least it will give those of us in Dallas something to think about besides the heat.

We are definitely in the "dog days of summer" with the temperature over 100 every day now.  Last evening at 10 o'clock, it was still 96 degrees.  And to think we still have August, traditionally our hottest month,  ahead of us.  Ugh.

 And have you ever noticed?  It seems once the 4th of July passes, that it is just a quick turn around until school begins.  Kenzie and Bailey will be starting in less than a month now.  In fact, Kenzie has been going to school for two hours this entire week.

Since she will be transferring from public to private school, she had to go to learn the grammar the private school teaches as opposed to the public schools.  I have no idea what the difference might be....math, I could understand, but GRAMMAR?  I've really got to quiz her more to find out what the difference is. 

Sandalized Foot of Atlantid Warrior

(A.D. 900-1200)

style="text-align: left;">There is some exciting news in today's paper from the Dallas Museum of Art.  Its new exhibition called "The Legacy of the Plumed Serpent in Ancient Mexico" opens this weekend.  There's plenty of time to make arrangements to catch this one-of-a-kind exhibition of ancient pieces during the time of the emerging Aztecs as it runs through Nov. 25th.

Effigy Censer in the Form of the Maize God (A.D. 1200-1200)

The show features 150 of these prized works of art.  They come from museums in Mexico and the U.S. as well as from private collections.  The exhibit was first put together by the L.A. Museum of Art, where it received rave reviews.

Children of the Plumed Serpent: the Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico follows the historical trajectory of the life and epic stories of the culture-hero and deity, Quetzalcoatl. The exhibition examines the art and material objects of late pre-Columbian and early colonial societies across Mexico to explore Quetzalcoatl’s role as founder and benefactor of the Nahua-, Mixtec-, and Zapotec-dominated kingdoms of southern Mexico.

These socially and culturally complex communities successfully resisted both Aztec and Spanish subjugation, flourishing during an era of unprecedented international entrepreneurship and cultural innovation. On view are painted manuscripts (codices), polychrome ceramics, textiles, and exquisite works of gold, turquoise, and shell that reflect the achievements of the Children of the Plumed Serpent.
Introduction | The World of Tula and Chichen Itza | The New Tollan | Feasting, Divination, and Heroic History | Avenues of Trade and the Spread of the International Style | The Aztec Conquest and the Spanish

posted on July 27, 2012 9:02 AM ()


On the grammar, I wonder if it is along the lines of using a comma before the 'and' in a series - as in:

chickens, geese, and eggs versus chickens, geese and eggs. I always put it in there when I mean three separate things.
comment by traveltales on July 28, 2012 12:19 PM ()
All I can think of is Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady saying something to the effect that Americans haven't spoken English in years--maybe the teacher is Shaw in disguise????
comment by greatmartin on July 28, 2012 9:34 AM ()
Thanks for your weekly report. I, too, am mystified over the "grammar" thing.
comment by solitaire on July 28, 2012 5:57 AM ()
I am a former English teacher, and I never knew that grammar could be taught more than one way. Kenzie is spending the night with me tonight, so I am going to find out more.
reply by redimpala on July 28, 2012 8:49 AM ()
Could the grammar differences be associated with writing style only? I thought English grammar was English grammar, period.
comment by jerms on July 27, 2012 10:29 PM ()
I don't know. As soon as I know more, I report it.
reply by redimpala on July 28, 2012 8:50 AM ()
Let me know about the 'Grammar'--that is intriguing!~!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 27, 2012 1:55 PM ()
As soon as I know more, you will know also.
reply by redimpala on July 28, 2012 8:50 AM ()

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