CJ Bugster


CJ Bugster
Oklahoma City, OK
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My Wild Dreams

News & Issues > The Friday Report from Dallas

The Friday Report from Dallas


all of us who believe in affordable health care for all, yesterday's
Supreme Court ruling was a big step forward.  Is this law perfect?  No! 
It would have been much better if the Republicans had not misled the
American people about the public option. 

would then have been no need for the penalty tax.  I hope eventually it
can be amended to include the public option.  Nonetheless, it is a
giant step in the right direction. 

goodness Chief Justice John Roberts showed us what being a Supreme
Court justice should be about, which is not politics but interpreting
the intent of the Constitution.

The American people owe him a debt of gratitude as does President Obama, who voted against his appointment to the Supreme Court.

something interesting in today's paper.  In spite of the economic
slump, 8 of the 15 fastest growing cities in the United States are in
Texas.   Of those 8, seven are suburbs of Dallas.  The other one is

awfully lot of that has to do with great schools in the suburbs and low
housing costs compared to the east and west coasts.  More and more
industries are relocating in the South and bring lots of people in to
work in those industries.

I broke down and ordered a new computer.  It has lots of bells and whistles.  Can't wait for it to arrive.
That's all for now....see you next week.

posted on June 29, 2012 1:39 PM ()


So Mittskey's new campaign slogan is "Overturn Obamacare"! And that's his claim to the presidency? Polls show 50/50, but now that the media are explaining in more detail how the plan works it's likely that the numbers in favor will go up! No telling tho. It's amazing to see the lengths anti-Obama forces are going to in order to make Mitt seem acceptable now that they are stuck with him.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 30, 2012 8:35 AM ()
He will never be acceptable to me!!
reply by redimpala on July 1, 2012 5:28 AM ()
P.S. I am rejoicing over the health care law being upheld.
comment by elderjane on June 30, 2012 4:13 AM ()
So am I!! What good news for the Democrats and for Obama.
reply by redimpala on July 1, 2012 5:30 AM ()
I am glad you are getting the kind of computer you want. Take care of
yourself in this heat.
comment by elderjane on June 30, 2012 4:12 AM ()
I'm staying inside during the hot part of the day. Yes, I'm excited about my new computer, though I won't have it for a while yet.
reply by redimpala on July 1, 2012 5:29 AM ()
Congrats on the new computer. It's always exciting to be able to put whatever troubles you had with the old one behind and start fresh.
comment by troutbend on June 29, 2012 2:38 PM ()
Yes, I can hardly wait to get it. It is being built to the specifications I want, so it will probably be a month, maybe two, before it arrives.
reply by redimpala on June 29, 2012 9:16 PM ()
'8 of the 15 fastest growing cities in the United States are in
Texas. ' Of course that is where the 1% live!!!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 29, 2012 1:57 PM ()
A lot of the 1% do live here, including Holly and her family. Sad to say, they are Republicans.
reply by redimpala on June 29, 2012 9:15 PM ()

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