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Just My Musings...

Entertainment > 50 Things-inspired by Walkwithgrace

50 Things-inspired by Walkwithgrace

. What do you add to your coffee? No coffee here but I can't live with Diet Coke.

2. What are you reading now? I'm in between books right now. Waiting for the new Robert Crais on Tuesday!

3. Do you own a gun? Nope. They scare me.
4. Are you registered to vote? I'm registered but don't do it.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not a lot anymore-we go too often.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I think they're best right off the grill.

7. Favorite Christmas Song? What Child is This
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? A Diet Coke with ice-preferably from Sonic.
9. Can you do push ups? LOL

10. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Chris Murphy. It was the 5th grade and I used to kick him all the time.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my cross necklace
12. Favorite hobby? I'd say papercrafting but I'm a lot better buyer than doer.
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? I'm not the type to be idolized.

14. Do you have ADD? nope, now some OCD traits possibly
15. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I make quick judgements.

16. Middle name? Elizabeth

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I don't think I can have three thoughts at the same time!

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: cannisters for the kitchen, bedroom curtains, a bath towel

19. Name 3 beverages you regularly drink: Diet Coke, Crystal Light lemonade, Diet Dr. Pepper

20. Current worry right now? the list is too long

22. Favorite place to be? a warm bubble bath with a good book and no company

23. How did you bring in the New Year? Lake Charles with J

24. Where would you like to go? a deserted island.

25. Name three people who will complete this.

26. Whose answers do you want to read the most?

27. What color shirt are you wearing? yellow

28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? They're too slippery

29. Can you whistle? nope

30. Favorite color(s)? green

31. Could you be a pirate? Nope, but I'd like to try the role of wench!

32. What songs do you sing in the shower? no singing in the shower

33. Favorite girls name? Hannah

34. Favorite boy's name? William

35. What's in your pocket right now? Nothing.

36. Last thing that made you laugh? Lily and her puppy antics

37. Best bed sheets as a child? I think I actually was an adult but flannel Winnie the Pooh sheets

38. Worst injury you've ever had? I'm blessed-no major injuries

39. Do you love where you live? yes

40. How many TVs do you have in your house? two

41. Who is your loudest friend? Marisa

42. How many dogs do you have? One inside and two outside

43. Does someone have a crush on you? I don't this so
44. What are the most fun things you ever did? some evening spent with Chris
45. What are your favorite books? My favorite is a children's book called No Flying in the House

46. What is your favorite candy? 100 Grand Bar

47. Favorite Team? Not much of a team player

48. What songs do you want played at your funeral? I Can Only Imagine and How Great Thou Art

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? just nodding off

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I have to get up!

posted on June 27, 2008 10:08 PM ()


#10 made me
comment by mattguru18 on June 30, 2008 10:07 AM ()
Oh I am addicted to Sonic's the best thing in the world.. Lake old stomping grounds...I miss Louisiana..
comment by elfie33 on June 28, 2008 4:12 PM ()
Great answers!
comment by lunarhunk on June 28, 2008 8:21 AM ()

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