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Entertainment > Movies > Mr. Bean: the Whole Bean

Mr. Bean: the Whole Bean

Funnyman Rowan Atkinson stars as the incorrigible Mr. Bean, a mischievous yet clueless clown dubbed "the most embarrassing man on the planet," in this anthology that includes all 14 hilarious episodes of the sketch television series.

1990 TV-PG 14 Episodes

1. Mr Bean - Act 1: Mr Bean sits an exam and is blissfully happy until, too late, he realizes that he has studied the wrong maths equations. Act 2: Mr Bean tries to change into his swimming trunks at the beach without anyone seeing his bits. Act 3: Mr Bean tries to stifle a sneeze in church. 3.88 stars (Dale-4.25, David-3.5)

2. The Return of Mr Bean - Mr. Bean goes to a department store and buys various items. After, he celebrates his birthday at a fancy restaurant where he tries to dispose his awful-tasting meal. Finally, Bean goes to a Royal greeting and gets into mischief. 4.25 stars (Dale-4.5, David-4)

3. The Curse of Mr Bean - Mr. Bean goes to a swimming pool, where he finds himself scared to death on the high diving board. When he's done, he tries several different ways to get his car out of the parking garage when he doesn't have enough money to do it the normal way. After that, he sits on a park bench and uses an unusual method of making himself a sandwich. Finally, he goes to a movie theater and tries to survive a terrifying horror with his girlfriend. 4.13 stars (Dale-4.25, David-4)

4. Mr Bean Goes to Town - Mr Bean purchases a new TV, only to experience a spot of reception trouble. He then takes a stroll in the park to try out his new camera, which is promptly stolen. This leads to an identity parade, where Bean does his best to discover the identity of the camera thief. Later, Bean's night on the town spells disaster for a stage magician. Lastly, Mr Bean shows of his dancing skills at Club Phut. 3.75 stars (Dale-4.5, David-3)

5. The Trouble with Mr Bean - Mr Bean, late for his dental appointment, tries to get dressed and clean his teeth whilst on the way. After arriving just in time for the appointment, he ends up administering an anesthetic to the hapless dentist. After visiting the dentist, Bean has a picnic in the park, where he tangles with a pesky fly and a remote-control toy boat. 3.5 stars.

6. Mr Bean Rides Again - At the bus stop, Mr Bean tries his best to revive a heart attack victim before using an ambulance to jump-start his own mini-car. Later, when posting a letter, he loses his only stamp, but that doesn't stop him from sending his letter on its way. Whilst preparing for his holiday, Mr Bean demonstrates a novel (if not entirely efficient) method of packing, then disposes of a bothersome train passenger, and tries to entertain an airsick boy during a plane flight. 4.13 stars (Dale-4.25, David-4)

7. Merry Christmas Mr Bean - While Christmas shopping, Mr Bean purchases a bulky string of tree lights before making a shambles of a department store toy section. He later manages to acquire a free turkey and Christmas tree, and attempts to conduct a Salvation Army band. Finally, during Christmas dinner, Bean has quite a surprise in store for his long-suffering girlfriend. 3.75 stars (Dale-3.5, David-4)

8. Mr Bean in Room 426 - Mr. Bean goes to a hotel where he causes trouble and seeks competition in his hotel neighbor. After he eats some spoiled oysters, he wakes up at night from some loud noise and ends up being locked out of his room. 3.75 stars (Dale-4, David-3.5)

9. Mind the Baby Mr Bean - Mr. Bean spends a rather unusual day at a Funfair attraction with a rather unusual baby which he accidentally found. Mr. Bean tries to find ways to keep the baby occupied while he goes on his rides. In the end, the baby is returned to its mother and Mr. Bean calls it a day. 3.88 stars (Dale-4.25, David-3.5)

10. Do It Yourself Mr Bean - Mr. Bean hosts a New Year's party with his friends Rupert and Hubert. The next day, Bean buys many tools and appliances to decorate and improve his apartment. He decides to paint his room by covering everything in newspaper and using a firecracker to blow up a paint can and paint his room. 3.63 stars (Dale-3.5, David-3.75)

11. Back to School Mr Bean - Mr. Bean goes back to school for an orientation day while he sees the different projects and activities in which he gets into mischief. 3.38 stars (Dale-3.75, David-3)

12. Tee Off Mr Bean - Mr. Bean goes to a laundromat where he washes his clothes and other various items and ends up causing trouble with the other people and their laundry. Afterwards, he heads off to a mini golf course where he plays but ends up following the ball everywhere it goes and continues to play even when it's not on the course. 3.25 stars (Dale-3.5, David-3)

13. Goodnight Mr Bean - Mr. Bean goes to the hospital to have a tea kettle removed from his hand, and while trying to get in faster ends up with him getting in much later. Afterwards, he decorates a British guard so that he can take a picture. After he has insomnia, Mr. Bean finally finds the solution and falls asleep. 3.5 stars.

14. Hair by Mr. Bean of London - When Mr. Bean has to wait a few minutes for the hairdresser who's called away by the telephone, he starts playing barber, so three consecutive costumers have their hair done by him, but his inverse Midas touch strikes again: woe their hair and the real hairdresser they complain to! Next he goes to a pet show, starting of by cheating at a dexterity game by unplugging the fault-detection and next deciding to play 'hit the headmaster' not just with the provided wet sponges, but wit anything not too heavy for him to lift; then he enters his teddy-bear for the obedience test (meant for kids' dogs). In the train station he stops at nothing to get on without a ticket, and succeeds as a crawling sack of post - but on which train is he carried? 3.25 stars.

15. Mr Bean Extras - Library & Bus Stop - Extra 1. Mr. Bean waits at a bus stop behind a man; when the bus arrives, the man gets on, but the driver turns Bean away, as there are no more seats. Extra 2. Mr. Bean visits a rare book library, where he reads a rare tome that must be handled with gloves. Soon after he uses a pencil and a crayon to copy a page of the book by shading on a piece of tracing paper, he sneezes, and the tracing paper slips away. 4 stars.

Disc 1-3 – 3.74
Season Whole – 3.74
Series (Season Whole) – 3.74

posted on Dec 24, 2013 6:28 PM ()


Mr. Bean is so funny. I always enjoyed it when his teddy bear had a role. There was that one time he stuck a stick up it and used it for a paintbrush: no respect, but there were other times when he obviously liked that bear a lot, tucking it into its shoebox bed, etc. And I really laugh at his feud with the three-wheeled car.
comment by troutbend on Dec 24, 2013 6:52 PM ()
Yes he has an interesting relationship with the bear LOL. I love the feud with the 3-wheeled car too. LOL Too much fun!
reply by panthurdreams on Dec 27, 2013 10:29 AM ()

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