Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > It Was Not as Easy as I Thought ... .

It Was Not as Easy as I Thought ... .

It was not as easy as I thought it would be to move out like it was to move in but it was hard to move out..... yeah I may love the man to death but I'm not for sure what is going on between us and I just could not deal with it anymore. Yeah I didn't have a job but if he truly loves me like I think he does then he shouldn't care just as long as I'm going to school and getting all my school stuff done like I should be but he doesn't even care anymore. He's pissed and upset with me because I don't have a job and its all my fault because I'm not trying at anything to get a job or to make it work between us. I was but there was something that was not right, it doesn't help that he's not himself like he use to be so that has to be part of it. Then to top it off he's always helling at me and telling me to do this and that but I'm sorry I am not his maid. yeah just because I don't have a job right now doesnt make you be able to treat me like I'm your maid or something stupid shit like that. The fact that we never talked anymore like we use to that kills me, and has a problem relationship, you should be able to talk to one another about anything and everything. but how could I do that when he was always playing his games or doing other stuff or everytime I would try to talk to him he would never listen or talk back to me, but I'm sorry if I'm talking to someone about something I would like it for them to listen and at least help me figure out what I could do about the problem if there was one. Or at least talk about the things that needed to be done instead of getting pissed at me all the time and yelling at me about the shit, yeah I know I wouldn't do it all the time when he told me to do it but it would of got done if you would have just waited. But the way i see it as when he told me something had to be done it had to be done that sec or something stupid like that. It just kills, just not being able to talk to him like i use to it hurts... over the last few months i have seen that he is not the same person that I started to date when I was fourteen and that kills me for some reason. dont get me wrong I still love the man and everything but I just didn't know what to do anymore. Then to top all that off when we first started to date I seen him as my boyfriend but not only my boyfriend I also seen him as one of my best friends but I don't see that anymore, something has gone wrong, i dont know if its the fact that we both might not trust each other like we use to or he could be just scared to get to close and then lost me some how, but i dont know anymore, i just figured that i should just move out and see what happens there because it must of been the wrong chose to move in when i did, but he wanted me there for some reason i have no clue why but whatever i guess. so i moved all my stuff out wed. after I got home from school he said something and it just pissed me off because he cant talk to me at all on the way home but when we get home he can yell at me about something stupid, so then he left and i got pissed called my sister and told her to come help me move out now and that i cant take all this stupid shit anymore, then later on tonight my sister told me that she could see me moving back in with him but i told her i dont and if i were to i dont see it happening any time soon because im done with this stupid shit and if he wants me so bad he need to treat me right and act like he cares about me because i dont even think he cares about me anymore like he use to for some reason, i just hope to move out of town and away from him for awhile then both of use can see what we really want and if he comes back or tries to find me i would be kinda scared well i wouldnt really be scared i just wouldnt know what to think because of all this stuff that is going on... but see the things i want he could care less about, if i were to tell him that i want to move out of town and in to a bigger place im sure he would tell me no because i have a feeling that he doesnt want to move a way from his dad any time soon but what can i say or think right now... i just give up as of right now and i guess just live my life as it goes and see what happens.. and his sister has even been talking to me about all this stuff that is scary because last time i knew she did not like me and didnt want anything to do with me and now shes telling me just to take a break from him and see what will happen or she said that he will see what he is missing or whatever you want to call it im really not for sure right now because im so tired.. but whatever im just glad he was not there when i was moving out, and from here on we will just have to wait and see if he will call me or try and get back together with me at some point and time... but whatever idk right now and dont care... all i know i still love the man he just needs to treat me right and not be pissed off at me because i dont have a job right now, yeah i have looked and what not but theres no place around that needs help as of right now, and i have told him that but would he listen to me NO... well i have got to try and get some sleep so i talk laterz

posted on Nov 5, 2009 12:25 AM ()

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