Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > Crazy ... in a Good Way I Guess ... Lol ...

Crazy ... in a Good Way I Guess ... Lol ...

Not for sure what to think.. well this guy that I have been talking about in the last few blogs that I have wrote asked me if he got a house if I would like to move in with him and he told me that it would only be 150 or 200 a month for me, and I was thinking what the hell.. so I asked him if you think you could live with me why not.. lol then he asked me well do you think you could live with me, and I told him I dont see why I wouldnt be able to, and I was thinking sin it already feels like I live with him sin I'm over at his place every night already if not every other night.. I didnt tell him that.. but it came to thought.. lol, but I told him I'm sure I can, as long as I'm not doing everthing... and he told me no you wont but I perfer a clean house not like one of our friends place and then I told him yeah I know and that there was no way that I would live like that so everything would be fine.. but before or if we got a place together I had to tell him that I was not going to be doing everything because thats what happen with my last relationship is he wanted me to do all the stuff and that was not working out for me.. but what can I say.. I'm not saying this guy and I are going out because as far as I know we are not going out but my best friend and her boyfriend tell me all the time even my mom are telling me that we are dating but how am I supose to know this... but the way it seems that we are if I'm with him all the time and then I have seen when I'm not at his place he is text me or calling me at 8- 8:30 if not before that I'm not for sure.. waking me up and its like what the hell.. why is he doing this if we are not dating, then I have seen when I'm at his place he will let me sleep in as long as I want to and its like what the hell.. its crazy... I have also seen that he has not been hanging out with all these other girls that he use to hang out with that I was told about before if not he tells me about it and before he never told me about it and its like what the hells going on.. its kinda scaring me.. if hes tring to make things work out between us then cool but its kinda creeping me out.. lol... the one thing that got me one night when we were watching a movie is he was talking about going to prom with this one gril and stuff and I knew about it and everything, then the next thing I know he was showing me a picture of her its like ok, and why do I care lol n I was thinking I dont care if you go as long as you dont do anything stupid with her or what ever.. and why would it mater to me what she looks like.. for one hes never gone to prom and the way its seem like he wants to go just to see whats its like and to have fun.. plus her bofriend broke up with her and she asked him and its like why do i care if he goes with her... and she was the one that made the comment about him never being to prom before n him wanting to go to see what it was like.. but whatever why do I care... as long as he has fun thats all I can say I guess.. haha thers not much else I could say about that..., like the other night when we were talking when we were walking to his place this was before he asked me to move in with him, he was telling me about all his ex girlfriends and how they are all crazy and then he told me that I was the only one desent that hes ever ment or been around sin we arent really dating or whatever you want to call it and I was thinking what the hell is he talking about... is he tring to tell me something.. that he likes the fact that I'm different from all these chicks that his been with n it makes him feel good when I'm around him or what the hell... if thats the case then ok it makes him feel good what else to it.. I know when I'm around him or talking to him it makes me feel good for some reason thers something about him that makes my day.. and thers a lot of people that see that and thats crazy.. but whatever... all I have to say... if he is trying to make things work out between us and stop doing what he use to do that is one crazy thing because I could never see someone change like that for me for some reason... I don't know why I say that.. its just something about me that I dont see so great about me that ppl like about me or would change to be with me and if he is doing that then that is crazy but I like that then that means alot for me because I like him a lot and Im sure he can see that... because I have only been hanging out with him for the last two or three weeks every damn day it seems like but I could be wrong but come on that what it feels like... but all I have to say if hes trying to make things work out I will do the same thing!! I'm not scared to try to make things work out between him and I... ya I know he asked me if I would do something with him but I didnt want to but then the one day out of the blue I text him and told him I would and he asked me what the hell and its like I'm really pissed off and up set and I was thinking about it and I was like what the hell why not it would be fun and I think he knew before I told him that, that I didnt really want to do what he wanted to do because of a few things but what the hell.. I'm sure it would of been fun.. but whatever... and just a few things that has been going on the last few days has got me thinking what the hell is going on between us are we going out or what the hell... like last night when I was walking around town with my friend well my phone died so I had to text him from her phone and ask him if he was going to wait outside for me and what not and he told me that he would meet me some where and then he got talking and the next thing we know he said that he wasnt going to meet me any where because his tv show was on its like what the hell.. and then my friend told him to do it and his like ok and I was like what the hell any other guy I know would be like to bad im not going to... so just come here and i will be here when he get here or whatever.. and so I told her that he must really like me or really want things to work out between us or something if hes really going to meet me somewhere because that is crazy because any other guy I know would not do that... so I was just thinking what the hell is up with that shit... and its like ok whatever... I have no clue what to say all I can say maybe things will work out between us all I can do is wait and see what happens.... blah blah... it just freaks me out with the things that hes been doing and telling me... like today he told me what he was doing and its like ok whatever... its like hes beings really open with me and at one point and time i told him if he wanted things to work out between us he had to tell me what the hell he was doing and shit like that but come on its starting to creep me out because i dont even know if we are going out or not if you know what i mean it sounds like we are but still come on... but whatever I guess.. I care about him a lot for some reason.. N i have no clue why theres just something about him that i feel in love with and i have no clue what it is but whatever i guess maybe one day i will find out what it is.. and maybe one day i will find out if we are dating or not.. lol... well and if we are i hope to find out soon if you know what i mean.. lol well i have no clue what the hell im talking about but then again i do.. lol so im sure i better get off this damn thing ... lol so im sure i will add another blog if i get creeped out again by him if he askes me some thing or if he keeps on doing this stuff... but come on... oh ya my mom asked me when i was moving in with him and all this stuff.. and she keeps on telling me that we act like we are married so does one of my friends its like what the hell.. we are not even dating as far as i know of... ya if we are i would sure love to know.. i would love it if we were... but whatever.... well im going to get off of here now bc like i said i have no clue what the hell im talking about because im getting tired and what not... well talk laters and what nots...... well i hope some one can help me out or tell me somethin by the way... haha

posted on Apr 2, 2010 11:59 PM ()

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