Stefanie Erickson


Stefanie Erickson
White River, SD


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My Crazy Life!!

Teens > I Have No Clue Wat to Call This One ... Haha

I Have No Clue Wat to Call This One ... Haha

Well lets see.. my last blog that I posted I wasn't to happy about everything well now you could say things are going a little bit better now... even though I'm not for sure how long things will last lol
well this guy got things worked out and I'm glad we did because that stuff was pissing me off, ya well that crap about us dating that stuff wasnt really bothering me to much, it was just the fact that I got told that stuff the day before my birthday, but other then that I'm fine with the fact that we are not dating and all that other crap and no we did not talk about it face to face and we didnt even talk to each other about it its just we know we are not dating and thats that.. lol
well any ways, we got everything else worked out between us about the apt, bc he was talking about it wasn't going to work out between us and how it was going to mess up are friendship, so I was pissed off at him for the longest time about that because that is bullshit.. there is no way that I was and is going to let this apt stuff going to mess up are friendship or whatever we have, and he told me well every time he moved in with sumone it messed up there friendship or whatever they had, but I'm sry to say I'm a different person I'm not going to fuxk you over and mess up are friendship or whatever we have.. but sum how we talked and got everything worked out, so we ended up moving in with each other,
so this last weekend we got all moved in and so far everything is going good so far and its kinda scary lol I have no clue why I say that but I do, who knows whats going to happen between us but whatever happens happens I guess... well the other night I had a few friends come over for a few mins and its like ool ool whatever and I told him who they were introdused (how ever you spel that lol) them to each other and all that good stuff, but the whole time they were there it seemed like he wasnt himself and its like what the hell, ya just bc they are guys doesnt mean he cant act like himself or is it the fact that I have more friends that are guys and does he think that I'm sleeping with them to or what the hell... ya I didnt know what to think... but whatever I guess.. but then after they left he was back to himself so that made me feel some what better but still it just wasnt right... if I have friends or whatever come over I dont want him to act different just bc he dont know that or want him to think different stuff like im sleepin with them or who knows what he cld be thinking... but then again im sure i wld act different when he has freinds come over to thou, but i guess we will just have to wait and see when he does have friend come over if he ever does have friend come over...
well the funny thing out of it the other day was the fact that theres this one girl that really likes him I guess and I dont think he told her that he was moving in with me right away he might of told her that he was moving just might not of told her that he was moving in with another girl and what not, and I guess the other night when he finely told her after they were finley getting along again after a lot of other crap that she was freaking out on him about.. lol so he told her that he was living with me and she told him that she hated him or he was an ass or something i dont remember what it was but its all funny.. thats all i have to say about it... because its all kinda stupid.. if she cant deal with the real him or whatever then she really wldnt be able to date him,
ya, I may not know everything about him but I'm sure I know enought about him to where I think I would be able to handle his bull shit, and what not, but to be honest the way it sounds i dont think she wld be able to deal with him, n the way he makes it sound she will buy him anything and everything he wants, and thats kinda sad, and sound like shes tryin to buy his love how ever you wld like me to put it... and thats not right, ya I know I have bought stuff for him but he has always paid me back for the stuff I got him or I think he has.. lol but he has also got me stuff to if I didnt have the money for things I needed, but whatever on this crap...
but what can I say.. we got to move in and everythings going good so far.. so thats good other then that im not for sure what to say other then im happy that i got a place and not have to stay with my mom anymore or try to find a place anymore.. bc it felt like i was living on the streets for the longest time lol... i have no clue why but it did... haha... well.. i have no clue what else i cld write about right now.. so i guess im gonna go for now... so i will talk later... and just hope for the best and nothing goes bad i guess lol

posted on May 3, 2010 2:47 PM ()

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