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Obama's speech writer Philadelphia must be a true conservative, as evidenced by one outstanding line, which is totally and 100% contrary to the liberal democrat agenda: ".... your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams." Does this mean that he will not resort to confiscatory tax increase policy to punish the working middle class; ala Clinton in 92-93 raising taxes on families earning near $20K, or is he going to lower tax rates even further more to provide an even, level playing field for everyone??? Yeah!! Sure!!! All symbolism and no substance - as Mr. Obama himself said: "Words - Just Words?" Rehash the last 50 years of bloviating racial rhetoric - verbal "steppin fetchit" - tip-toe over, under, and around, avoiding any real or meaningful decisive resolutions. Obama is trying to continue the he and she Clinton "flower power" "public service" system: "I will do anything to feel like I am doing something; as long as I don't have to do anything." Obama's big speech, it really is a good thing that the Hollywood(sorry MM) script writers ended their strike, this speech - or screenplay - is pure Acadamy Award material. I don't know about any of you people in blog-land,but I can not think of too high regard for anyone such as Obama who so easily throws his own grandmother under the train, just because of her race, different from his perceived race, just for more votes!?!?
posted on Mar 20, 2008 7:45 PM ()
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