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Politics & Legal > Irony


I have recently been re-reading and reviewing many books and magazines for a community symposium about "Ethics in Government," and my part of the evening is " The Impeachment of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton." But unfortunately for our country, no Senatorial conviction. My favorite quote, from James Carville: "...lyin witnesses, perjured testimony." Yes, it sure was, but only from every democrat who took the stand! Worst of all at the time, #2 and #3 on the judiciary Committee, Barney Frank and Chuck Shumer, two of the most disreputable and dishonest humans to ever be elected to political office, where very much in control. They, along with John Conyers served only one purpose, that of being odoriferous emanations from Clinton's rectum. And they are still as yet in office???? The ever and always reference to Nixon's Watergate, and Clinton's impeachments, two totally different and dissimilar situations. Clinton did what Clinton did, too many people knew too much about it, and he finally got caught, and as he had always done in his "political" life, he tried to lie his way out with multiple layer upon layer of untruths. But poor dumb Nixon, who really did not know what was going on or why, except through the mainstream liberal media, until it was too late for him. Watergate, planned and manned by a presidential staffer trying to protect his own reputation from his wife's prostitution service; poor dumb Nixon. Until finally, the democrats revenge for the prosecution of liberal/Communist Alger Hiss; poor dumb Nixon. Nixon's Chuck Colson went to prison for the mis-use of "one" FBI file. Hillary, through Livingstone and Marceca, had abrogated and appropriated over "900" individual's FBI files. Clinton's problems in DC were his own making, Arkansas one-party/democrat party politics. " The only thing that talks louder than money is more money." No lie was ever too big to not be expected to be believed. No crime too serious to ever be expected not to be free from questioning, indictment, and/or conviction. In Arkansas, corroborating witnesses had a habit of "committing suicide" from 3 30-30 rifle bullets in the back, fired from long range. This almost worked in DC - dumping the body of Vince Foster in the city park - but would never work again in the National spotlight. The clincher of Willy"s impeachment was not about sex or perjury, but article VII: "... his office has managed an enterprise whose purpose it has been to engage in a pattern of illegal activity designed to conduct criminal conspiracy, bribery, obstruction of justice, and violations of laws governing National Security." RICO statutes - Organized Crime. But just think, if Clinton would have done the noble and righteous thing, and had resigned, Al Gore would then have become President, and most likely would have been re-elected for a second four-year term; Bush would never have become President. SO - if you don't like George Bush - blame Bill Clinton!!!!! No, not really, Hillary and her enemy's list and dirty tricks and her quest for future power - today's presidential campaign - was the driving force of Willy staying in office. Dem-Libs, be careful of what you wish for, it may come back to bite you in the butt.

posted on Mar 29, 2008 12:49 PM ()


Gosh, you know it's so hard to make today's youth understand what kind of a President Clinton actually was. I never liked him. He just seemed too much like a used car salesman to me. And you're so right about Hillary. Very good read. Thanks for posting
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 3, 2008 3:14 PM ()
Read above reply to redimpala - I do know my material first hand - inside information!!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Mar 30, 2008 8:14 PM ()
Nixon was a sap. I think he believed that the fact that he'd won the Presidency was proof that he was no fool. But he was a fool. Having achieved the highest office he let his guard down - he had nothing left to prove to his political rivals and made the mistake of turning his back on them; et tu Brutus?

We can never know the real Clinton death toll but it's hard deny that Clinton lied and rivals died.

I think that Clinton's plan to institute communism here was simply to put inexperienced, incompetent,extraordinarily naive Utopians in vital positions and just stand back and watch everything collapse. It didn't happen because nothing about this government is truly vital except our military (which he tried to destroy but only succeeded in decimating. Essentially Bill was a hopelessly lazy and uncommitted communist. It is the energy and will of his vicious wife that worries much more now.

Good work. I'd like to see more of it.
comment by think141 on Mar 30, 2008 10:46 AM ()
I can't buy the "Dumb Nixon" bit either--not with the blanks in the tapes from his office. And I never heard so many curse words come out of a man's mouth in the course of a normal conversation.
comment by redimpala on Mar 30, 2008 3:45 AM ()
'if Clinton would have done the noble and righteous thing,' And Bush has done the noble and righteous thing???
"Dumb Nixon"???? Dumb as a fox--only he got caught--one of the most immoral president's we have ever had!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 29, 2008 4:10 PM ()

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