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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Hip Hip Hurrah

Hip Hip Hurrah

IT now seems that GWB, and in affect, we the American people really did make an excellent decision with the appointment of Michael Mukasey as U.S.Attorney General. But I wish him lots of luck in his new endeavor, converting the FBI into something different and far beyond their current scope of operations. The FBI, lawyers and accountants - paper pushers - who hire the best scientists and evidence technicians anywhere and everywhere. The FBI has never been known to be anything but the absolute worst at basic "law enforcement" and 99.99% of FBI agents should not be allowed to carry or even be near weapons or firearms; or in any way have any direct personal contact with criminal perps. In 1966, as a new DOJ agent pulled out from the Army, all of my training was provided by the CIA in and around Williamsburg VA. The FBI was a joke then, even with their own propaganda TV show, and they still are today!!

posted on July 3, 2008 7:43 PM ()


What's really frightening about these posts is, I have no trouble believing any of it. Teevee IS furniture, after all.
comment by thestephymore on July 16, 2008 7:13 PM ()
In my job I have to deal with many agencies. I am not all that impressed with that branch of the FEDs
comment by grumpy on July 8, 2008 8:51 PM ()
That's a shame..!!

However, on that TV show, the FBI always "looked" professional.

What ever happened to the slogan: "We always get our man.."

Oh.. Wait..

Maybe that was Pamela Anderson and Britney Spears slogan.

Never mind…
comment by angryrepublic on July 5, 2008 8:37 AM ()
Happy 'Fourth of July' William
comment by augusta on July 4, 2008 9:39 AM ()
Hmmm, you know reading different posts here is an education, Dr. Bill. I didn't know how bad our FBI was. I hope they get straightened out, but it will take huge determination and great support from the executive and legislative arms of the government.
comment by sunlight on July 3, 2008 9:49 PM ()
Law enforcement entities are all self serving. They share no intelligence and like politicians, want the limelight for busts. It's too bad your no longer involved. No one beats the Department of Homeland Security for total incompetence. The only thing they have in common is the email address of @dhs.gov. Figure getting the Coast Guard, INS, FPS, U.S. Customs and worse yet TSA (old FAA employees)together? You may as well roll the FBI, DEA, CID, HHS, CIA and ATF into DHS? What a mess...are we safer? Hell no, just a continued and out of control growth of the Federal Government. They all just protect their turf and could care less about protecting us. What a mess?
comment by strider333 on July 3, 2008 8:08 PM ()

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