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David Broder's Question
David Broder's Question
Is America's national identity eroding under the pressure of population diversity and liberal education's lacking of patriotism? Knowing what America stands for must be learned, and passed on from one generation to the next. The ideas that define this country are found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.Constitution - BUT - as amplified, shaped, and molded by the Supreme Court's decisions. What is most evidenced today, by the many 5-4 Supreme Court decisions, is that we definitely have four judges who have absolutely no idea what the Declaration and the Constitution stands for and/or means. And worst of all, the "swing vote" can not make up his mind - if he has one - about what country or what constitution we as Americans are living under. The U.S.Constitution is not now, and was never intended to be an evolving, living, changing document. That definition is synonymous with "not being worth the paper it is written on." Just like a not so old country music song: "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for everything." The middle of the road is the white line - like a skunk. Take sides on an issue, any issue, every issue; read, research, and learn - express yourself, and freely voice your opinions. This is America, and it is your right under the constitution to do so - but remember - no one has to read, listen, or agree with you!!!
posted on July 3, 2008 2:37 PM ()
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