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Me Again - Mad ???
Me Again - Mad ???
Re: Washington Post columnist, and soul brother?, Eugene Robinson. He states that GWB's legacy on the world stage is defined by Abu Grhaib, Guantanamo, secret CIA prisons, and "water boarding." So, is he now admitting that there is nothing at all wrong or bad about the near 8 years of GWB? HUH!!! He is mentioning only many of the "good things" about GWB's term! So, what's his point?? GWB's public approval rating of only 30% is still twice that of congress's 15% approval rate. So, who is doing what right? Contrary to Mr. Robinson's statements, every so-call;ed middle east expert that I have heard on television or radio proclaims very clearly that Iran is very very close to producing weapons grade fissionable nuclear material. So maybe GWB does have one unfinished job: bomb, bomb, bomb - bomb, bomb, Iran! Oh, that's OK, Israel will do that for us in December - no worry, no problem !?!?!
posted on July 2, 2008 5:24 PM ()
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