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My Ranting and Raving
My Ranting and Raving
Oh my, the Supreme Court Ruling of recent. The rape of young children does not merit the death penalty! So what? Death penalty = death = as in like its over with! Life in prison without the possibility of parole = the rest of the perps life in prison being punked by Brutus and Bluto. Which of these really is the most severe of "punishment"? And the biggy, finally the correct interpretation of the Constitution's Second Amendment; the individual person's right to own, keep, and bear (carry) arms; id.est. handguns; to protect and defend one's life and property. Why should criminals be the only ones carrying guns? Illegally of course, they are criminals! But yes, everything the nay-sayers say is true; criminal intruders are twice as likely to commandeer a homeowners handgun before the homeowner gets to it; suicide rates are 300% higher in homes with handguns; domestic violence and "accidental" deaths are more prevalent in homes with handguns; all terrible but true statistics, of course. But should this be cause and reason to negate the true intent and purpose of the Constitution's Second Amendment? NOT!! Excessive rates of speeding, 30-40 MPH over the speed limit is extremely reckless and dangerous, is it not? Using the anti-gun analogy, we could and should end all automotive speeding violations, deaths, and injuries, by outlawing all automobiles; nothing anymore again but walking, bicycles, and horses. Just thinking about some of these recent 5-4 decisions makes me wonder, just how did these 4 so-called learned justices who disregard the Constitution with such disdain, ever get to such a high exalted level of influence? The small change of adding one more Commie-loving Dem-Lib to the Court could change many of these 5-4 cases into 4-5 decisions; and we can then just flush the Constitution down the toilet. Oh Yes! A living, changing, evolving Constitution - which means whatever anyone wants it to mean at any given time - in other words - no longer worth diddly squat. Such is the case with most "major and mainstream" religions. They are no longer religious or following the Bible or the teachings of God and/or Jesus; and they wonder why they are losing most all of their congregations! The Dem-Lib mantra - if it feels good, do it - Clintonism in practice - is past its prime. Wake up America - the truth is out there!!!!
posted on July 1, 2008 6:37 PM ()
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