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Say What!
Say What!
Hurrays to the GOP for derailing the Dumb-Lib "Windfall Profits Tax" which would not have lowered the price of gas even one penny, and/or would not have put one extra drop of gas more into the system. So just what do they, the DNC and George Soros, consider a windfall? The 5 US oil company's profits of course! Huge profits? Yes? As an overall industry average, they went from 4.1% up to 4.2% profit, a huge and massive increase of 0.1%. Let's put that into everyday perspective. If you earned $25.00 per hour, what would you think and do if congress wanted to double your tax rate because you received a 2.5 cent per hour raise. Your personal equivalent of a massive windfall profit!!!!So why is it that China can drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, 60 miles from Florida, but American oil companies can not? Maybe we should just get rid of all cars, trucks, trains, and planes, and go back to horses, bicycles, and walking as our ONLY MEANS of transportation? Now that would really keep us competitive in today's global market economy! And while we are at it, no more electricity generating plants, no more national natural gas pipelines. No more gas or oil heat in winter, and absolutely no more electric air conditioning during summer. No electricity means no more computer usage. By the way, Liberal presidential candidate #2, John McCain, says that he believes that the BIG OIL companies should be forced into investing their money (shareholder profits) into alternative energy. So is that not the same as forcing Ford and GM into investing shareholder monies in Schwinn and Huffy bicycles? Why Not? Same warped and twisted Dem-Lib thinking?
posted on June 12, 2008 7:58 PM ()
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