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Black Conservative Thought

Politics & Legal > Barack's New??? Message

Barack's New??? Message

Come on now! Just a repeat and rehash of every failed policy and program of Jimmy Carter, the absolute worst president in America's history - remember the ongoing "misery index?" Clinton tried some of the same things, on a lesser scale, and came near close to complete ruination of the U.S. economy.
The fiscal economies of the whole world are very bad now, mostly due to unrestrained growth and the demand for oil (gasoline) in China, Russia, and India. Do we want the fiscal situation in our USA to be two or three times as bad or worse than it is now? The regurgitation of pie in the sky platitudes, without one iota of positive thought, is not a solution to any problem anywhere.
This totalitarian vision of a great utopia - under Barack Obama's charismatic reign of command - is not new. We have all heard this before, in the not so distant past, but by Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, and Mao Tse - the great worker's paradise????
Barack's change? What change? Elucidate and explain, tell your ideas and plans. Oh, there are none - what a surprise? All empty campaign talk and rhetoric; change for the better?Yes, we are each and everyone of for that 100%. That is what the "liberal" GOP has been doing for the last 50 years, beginning with the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which 75% or more of all democrats - local, state, and national - were so vehemently against for so many decades; GOP change for the better, get rid of programs which do not work, or make things worse. The conservative DNC has only one plan, spend more taxpayer's money on what they determine is best (but usually only better for them)

posted on June 11, 2008 8:13 PM ()


You know my son is 19 years old and able to vote in this upcoming election. He said something to me the other day and I agree with him. He said..."Why don't we just start all over." Throw out these two canidates and start with new ones and see if we can come up with two much better canidates." I said, that sounds like a great idea and wish that we could do that.
comment by texastar on July 2, 2008 12:50 AM ()
But McCain isn't it either. McCain is barely a "D" Student and was in the lowest "5" of his class. That's pretty bad coupled with his crazy level of anger and improper emotional management.

Neither Obama nor McCain have what it takes to lead this country.
comment by whereabouts on July 1, 2008 7:01 PM ()
I know in my hear that Obama is not about change and that is is a liar. He is my Senator and he does not own up to his promises. He is all about what is politically best for Obama and that is it. I do not trust Obama nor like him exactly as I have felt with Al Gore who is also a liar and will say and do whatever simply to protect Al Gore's personal interests.
comment by whereabouts on July 1, 2008 6:59 PM ()
Well, I was going to say something but Strider said it all
comment by baseeker on June 19, 2008 2:26 PM ()
The surpluses and the "balanced budget" were only on paper, the daily, weekly, monthly, annual accummulative nattional debt soared. Also, I did live through those times, a family of four, earning only $25K to $30K, paying out the whazoo for family health insurance, bringing home at most $300 per week, only to find out in 1993 that I was one of the richest 1% of Americans when my taxes increased 10%. Yes, I now love tax cuts for the rich, because, at the Dem-Lib rate, that means anyone who works at anything above minimum wage, except members of congress!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on June 12, 2008 1:39 PM ()
What is it with Republicans, conservitives ALL now bringing Hitler into discussions?? Another one of their 'fear' tactics???
comment by greatmartin on June 12, 2008 8:20 AM ()
What the hell was that my friend? Read policy positions, jeez, they're out there instead of parroting the fading right and the absolute disaster of the last seven years. And Bill Clinton wrecking the economy? I'm not sure where that cane from when the economy roared for 8 years and was in the black...you know, surpluses. And your comparisons with Hitler and the like?
It's posts like this that disturb me...no facts, just fear that the neoconservatives will soon be gone and assigned a place in history as a complete disaster. As dumb and dull as John McCain is, I don't see the neoconservatives as being a big part of his administration. They'll be assigned their rightful place as individuals with a pipe dream of ruling the world at any cost: torture that tears at the moral fabric of our country, the disappearance of true open market competition with a few Oil Giants making sure their the only game in town while telling the rest of Americans...tough luck, drug companies monopolizing the market place setting the ridiculous prices that people literally die because they can't afford or make crap that they get approval from the FDA because they hire the people to write the briefs and do their short studies, lack of mortgage market regulations entrapping Americans into loans they can't afford and them knowing that to literally legalize loan sharking while causing the collapse of the home market, letting China fill their coffers with American dollars dumping their cheap exports on us while our jobs disappear and we keep their dirty economy roaring away in double digit growth with their slave labor, dangerous products, while helping to continue to stagger the dollar to further drive up the cost of oil, or the total lack of an energy policy keeping us trapped as a captive audience on an obsolete technology that should have transitioning years ago instead of putting our economy in peril depending on countries that are a disaster away from blowing up our economy, and now having Bush saying the solution is to keep digging for more oil knowing that the future is not oil but a vast potential in new technology that can power our transportation and facility and residential energy requirements with out a drop of pollution or further move us toward the tipping point of global warming. or the new Pope Urban's that deny what is already occurring as we continue to move in the consequential stage of global warming not giving a dam if we leave our children a ravaged planet...the right however shrinking, maintains their collective egoic insanity with their views. It was always a house of cards...conservatism without conscious, a belief even to lie is okay because it serves a bigger cause? The delusional right is about to pass, the veil has been pulled away and history will have a sad story to tell but it won't take away the incredible carnage left behind by their hateful divisiveness, their shredded moral fabric and the total devastation of the economy.
comment by strider333 on June 11, 2008 9:01 PM ()

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