I had fun making these. The sizes were hard but now I think I have got it.
I will try to put out five header graphics a day for those of you would like
more variety in headers though the default ones mybloggers offers are absolutely
stunning and mybloggers can feel free to use any of the ones I put up here.
This also gives me a kick in the butt to open my web design site but until
then I will make a page in the next few days for the whole collection of
mybloggers graphics and will also make some avatars!
This is great fun!
Please enjoy these first few I have made. They all fit properly into
the header even though they are different sizes.
Just right click on them and then hit save image as and save it as whatever
you want and put it in whatever folder you want!
Have fun!
Also Jondude thanks for taking my call and I am so happy I could persuade you
to come here! We are on the ground floor! We can make this place