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Religion > Got the Jesus Fish? You Horny Devil, You!

Got the Jesus Fish? You Horny Devil, You!

Since spring has sprung I have been crazy busy. It must be the truth about spring being the time of fertility, even for us humans! Sorry for not posting very often but, jeesh, gotta keep those guys happy.

Anyway I learned some things I did not know! Sooo, I thought I would share.

I wanted to start with the Jesus Fish. I had to do some design work for a Church, yeah, you heard me, a church and I was trying to get the right Jesus fish symbol for some small details in the boarder of the design. I searched and searched for the right stock photo to butcher but one never came! In doing this Google took me to a site about the Jesus Fish.

Keep in mind I am an imported Georgia peach I am really a Yankee, well sorta, Born in Missouri and Raised mostly in Chicago and before coming to Georgia I never knew anything about any Jesus fish. I come here and they are on almost every single car by any, apparently ignorant Baptist who wants to profess his faith to the guy behind him.

I in response to this of course had to buy a Darwin fish, you know, the fish with feet and Darwin filling the middle? Now you see the reason I did this is I think creationist who blatantly deny any type of evolution are ridiculous. Even knowing they do this I had no idea Some Christians actually believe the world is 5000 years old, I did not find this moronic line of though was actually prevalent until moving to the south. If you are one of these folks please explain this to me! I really want to know how on earth you can believe this and think dinosaurs are some kind of cosmic joke. This is not “FAITH” this is self delusion! Even in the age of CSI some folks still believe men and women have the same amount of ribs. Now this is not to say that CSI is fact but that they use scientific fact to suspend disbelief. If you are one of those please, please tell me!

I seriously can get down and almost understand all these people who argue that God is interested at all in who we are fucking and for how much but to slap reality in the face is another thing altogether!

Oh, no a tangent! Let’s get back to the issue at hand, The Jesus Fish.

So we all know even though most Christians deny it, that ALL Christina holidays without exception are based on, fall on and are intertwined with pagan holidays and celebrations but somehow I thought this Jesus Fish was something that did in fact belong to the Christian faith, perhaps a new way to renew and old faith but alas it to is PAGAN even more so than anything else! Worse it predates Christianity as a pagan fertility and sexuality symbol! Aphrodite Salacia, one of the Goddesses this symbol denotes was worshipped on Friday when they commenced to eat fish and have orgies. Atargatis was also know by other names Aphrodite, Delphine, Delphine, Pelagia or Tirgata who was the mother of Ichthys. Another ritual adopted by the Christian church, eating of fish on Friday.

Now explain to me why again Christians use this one? I think now I will just assume they wanna fuck!

posted on Apr 10, 2008 11:02 AM ()


comment by itsjustme on Apr 13, 2008 2:17 PM ()
Very interesting. I knew that s many of our holidays and celebrations are pagan based,but I didn't know this. I studied evolution in college and loved it.An English major but I scored the highest grade in the class over those science majors. The professor used to get on the them for not keeping up with an English person!
comment by angiedw on Apr 11, 2008 2:14 AM ()
comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 10, 2008 5:57 PM ()
I follow the true Christian teachings, none of this sexual abstinence and/or denial; the true WORD - go forth and multiply - populate the four corners of the Earth - a lot more fun this way !!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 10, 2008 5:21 PM ()
Holly you need tea and a great day out with friends What the hell is a 'Jesus fish'? Gawd you got me turning my volume down on my music now to concentrate on your post...brb reading.. damn.. it a good song too, hold on .. anyway, I have 26 ribs (4 floaters)from last 'recent-ish' x-ray
comment by lynnie on Apr 10, 2008 4:17 PM ()
Wow! You learn something new every day! I knew that most Christian holidays were based on Pagan holidays... but the Jesus fish? Who knew!
comment by mellowdee on Apr 10, 2008 1:53 PM ()
I never knew that! we have alot of those jesus fish on cars here too, and they are mostly the drivers who will just as soon cut you off as let you go!
I had a friend ask me to explain dinosaurs in relation to my faith. I did come across interesting scripture in the bible about dinosaurs. I will have to look it up and get back to you.
comment by elkhound on Apr 10, 2008 11:40 AM ()
Very good
comment by jtruant on Apr 10, 2008 11:05 AM ()

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