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Life & Events > Snippets Galore

Snippets Galore

~Easter break started today. Actually, it was supposed to begin on Monday but we had a snow storm which got us a snow day. We have to make up snow days so it isn't really something to cheer about. The break lasts a week. I know other high schools in my area that have two weeks off. That's crazy!

~I am now on a full-time work schedule. 5 days on 2 days off, that's on top of all the shifts I do when other wait staff and kitchen help can't make it. And since it's nearing spring, our bosses are getting a little testy and stressed. We will forgive them when this all blows over.

~The weather at home has been interesting again. It was almost spring-like the past week but today its snowing out and there is a really strong wind blowing. It howls under the upstairs deck, makes the doors rattle and the house shake. It's almost as if nature doesn't want our house here and wants to move it somewhere appropriate. It is a downer seeing snow again.

~I did the shoveling this morning which wasn't too bad and my parents were unimpressed with what I made them for breakfast and as always the dog was excited as ever with the food that came out of the Iam's bag. With the chores out of the way. I hauled my laptop out of its case and positioned myself at the dinner table and did some fine tuning to my various accounts. I also got me a new email address for family to contact me by.

~Tomorrow I have to drive my Mom to her Physio appointment. She has Idiopathic Scoliosis. It's a rather serious looking bend.

~What is more entertaining was during her initial exam and the Physio said "You are one seriously twisted gal." I think he meant that literally about her spine, but my Mom is pretty twisted in real life too. My Mom's been on the waiting list for surgery for six months and that surgery is imminent early next year at the earliest.

~Then after that I have to work until 11. So it's gonna be an action packed day tomorrow. From here my work schedule is going to be almost "Oppressive" with my boss as the restrictive military dictator, ruling his Caltex Domain from his small white impeccably clean kitchen office. Rarely seen, eternally feared. Ha ha, no Lee's an awesome boss, Strict, but you can't have a boss who is soft on you can you.

posted on Mar 21, 2008 12:08 PM ()


You seem to enjoy your job, which is great. I always loved working in restaurants when I was waiting tables. It seems to be such a fun environment.
Your mom's condition looks so uncomfortable. I hope things move along quickly for her.
comment by lunarhunk on Mar 25, 2008 9:42 AM ()
Idiopathic Scoliosis is the most common form of scoliosis. My Mom developed it when she was a teenager. If a curve is allowed to progress to 70 - 90 degrees(like my Mom's) it not only can cause a very disfiguring deformity in her later years, but will start to result in cardiopulmonary compromise. I'm not sure if I understand it completely but I think this happens because the curve in the spine rotates the chest and closes down the space available for the lungs and heart. So yeah, it definitely looks like my Mom's a prime candidate for surgery but we'll wait and see what her doctor's say.
I'll give an update post when I know more. Thanks for your concern!
comment by mattguru18 on Mar 23, 2008 8:56 AM ()
Hope your mom does ok with her looks painful..

Don't work too hard..
comment by elfie33 on Mar 21, 2008 11:04 PM ()
wish we had a full week off, just 2 days off here at schools (but we are 2 weeks off in may lol). Sorry to hear your mum already has to wait 6 months. Looks like Holland
comment by itsjustme on Mar 21, 2008 3:57 PM ()
that looks really painful! sorry you got more snow. we still have that horrid wind here. every time it rattles the house, the beagle starts barking thinking someone is at the door. yeah, she isn't too smart.
comment by elkhound on Mar 21, 2008 3:04 PM ()
You are one busy puppy--you write so very well; it is a joy to read.
comment by angiedw on Mar 21, 2008 2:28 PM ()
My Baby Sister has scoliosis. When she was 12 she had a steel rod inserted to straighten her spine. She was told she could never get pregnant or ride a horse but she has done both with no ill effects. It took a long time before she could get out of bed though.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 21, 2008 2:12 PM ()
And does the son take after the twisted mother??

What kind of restaurant do you work at? Are you a server?
comment by greatmartin on Mar 21, 2008 12:41 PM ()
wow, that is quite a bend. I hope all goes well with her appointment tomorrow.
comment by pecan on Mar 21, 2008 12:22 PM ()
is this a serious thing?How long did she had this?
I do hope that thing will turn out okay for her.
This is quite a bend.What will they do there?
Little confused and surely how do they straight these things
out?Look very sensative there.
comment by fredo on Mar 21, 2008 12:20 PM ()

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