So let’s dive right in: 8 Random Things about Me
1. I’m sort of ambidextrous - I was born left-handed and proud of it too! The only bad thing is when I started learning to write, my Mom made me write with my right hand. She didn't like how I kept smudging all my papers in school. I was also taught to learn to throw and hit a ball as a righty. So technically I'm a righty. But I can still write as a lefty. It's confusing, I know. It came in handy when I broke my wrist and had to write with the other hand.
2. My favorite all time show is “I Love Lucyâ€. I can say I’ve seen every episode that was made (hopefully) and even the lost Christmas episode that I never knew existed. Love this show, can never get sick of it!
3. My parents are pretty great. We actually get along quite well together, surprising for a parent and teen relationship.
4. Even though I say that I want to be in a relationship or find that Mr. Right. Deep down, I’m tremendously frightened in the aspect of doing so. Maybe it’s just the fear of being hurt again.
5. I gave up drinking soda about 2 years ago. I stopped because it’s not the healthiest thing to drink. Get some water or juice (I know not the healthiest either, but still). Sure there are occasions that I do, but those are very few and rare.
6. I have kept every birthday card given to me since birth. I haven’t thrown away a single one yet and it’s interesting to look back and see the progression of cards I got. They started out with cute animal ones and progressed into more adult themed ones.
7. I just recently learned to fry an egg. I'm in my late teens and I finally learned how to do so! At work they wouldn't even let me near the eggs - I kept burning them or breaking the yolk. And this is someone who wants(wanted) to become a chef someday.
8. Lastly, I'm afraid of the dark. I still have a night light in my room.
Well, there you have it. Eight random and hopefully interesting things about me.