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Life & Events > Eight Random Things About Me(me)

Eight Random Things About Me(me)

So let’s dive right in: 8 Random Things about Me

1. I’m sort of ambidextrous - I was born left-handed and proud of it too! The only bad thing is when I started learning to write, my Mom made me write with my right hand. She didn't like how I kept smudging all my papers in school. I was also taught to learn to throw and hit a ball as a righty. So technically I'm a righty. But I can still write as a lefty. It's confusing, I know. It came in handy when I broke my wrist and had to write with the other hand.

2. My favorite all time show is “I Love Lucy”. I can say I’ve seen every episode that was made (hopefully) and even the lost Christmas episode that I never knew existed. Love this show, can never get sick of it!

3. My parents are pretty great. We actually get along quite well together, surprising for a parent and teen relationship.

4. Even though I say that I want to be in a relationship or find that Mr. Right. Deep down, I’m tremendously frightened in the aspect of doing so. Maybe it’s just the fear of being hurt again.

5. I gave up drinking soda about 2 years ago. I stopped because it’s not the healthiest thing to drink. Get some water or juice (I know not the healthiest either, but still). Sure there are occasions that I do, but those are very few and rare.

6. I have kept every birthday card given to me since birth. I haven’t thrown away a single one yet and it’s interesting to look back and see the progression of cards I got. They started out with cute animal ones and progressed into more adult themed ones.

7. I just recently learned to fry an egg. I'm in my late teens and I finally learned how to do so! At work they wouldn't even let me near the eggs - I kept burning them or breaking the yolk. And this is someone who wants(wanted) to become a chef someday.

8. Lastly, I'm afraid of the dark. I still have a night light in my room.

Well, there you have it. Eight random and hopefully interesting things about me.

posted on Apr 12, 2008 2:23 PM ()


Get your education, and go travel. Have fun your, only young once. Thanks for sharing..
comment by carrryon on Apr 15, 2008 2:32 PM ()
Great and interesting information! One of my sisters is left-handed and has really nice handwriting. I think it's so cool that you have kept all of your birthday cards. Do you keep them in a scrapbook to look at? "I Love Lucy" is also a favorite of mine. She's one of my favorite actresses! I loved her humor!
comment by hopefields on Apr 15, 2008 2:31 AM ()
Thanks for sharing My dad could write with both hands also....I always thought that was so cool
comment by elfie33 on Apr 13, 2008 5:29 PM ()
Matt great to hear these kind of things of you. I am surprised you only can fry an egg lol thx sharing this xxxx
comment by itsjustme on Apr 13, 2008 2:11 PM ()
Lucy.s first child and my boy Chris were born 23 Dec '52. I share your like.
comment by docrock on Apr 13, 2008 1:50 PM ()
Make sure the yolk is cooked when you fry eggs. One out of 20,000 eggs will make you sick. If odds were that good in the lottery, I'd play!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 12, 2008 7:47 PM ()
I thought people (parents) stopped trying to make lefties into righties (and I'm not talking politics!!) My brother was a lefty and went though hell in school because of it--as soon as he became independent he stopped all the right hand stuff.
Someday I will have to get into my childhood and having a mother who couldn't cook--I didn't know until I was 12 that an egg was NOT suppose to be all black!!!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 12, 2008 4:17 PM ()
you need to teach me how to fry an egg! I always get the yolk done! hey, come join the party here on mybloggers, post some pics!
comment by elkhound on Apr 12, 2008 4:12 PM ()
Hi Matt,
I'm also left-handed, and I STILL smudge ink, and the heal of my hand is often black from it! My Dad was ambidextrous.
These answers are great, and seem to be pretty frank. I'm impressed with your openness, and I am REALLY impressed with the relation you have with your parents! That is so refreshing!!!!!
I spent a lot of time in Milwaukee about thirty-five years ago. Went to Marquette University and lived in a dormatory on West Wisconsin Avenue called McCormick Hall. It was cylindrical in shape, and it was known as The Big Beer Can in the Sky. There used to be a GREAT little hamburger joint right there in front of McCormick on West Wisconsin Avenue called Dal's. I wonder if it's still there?
By the way, I've just added you to my Friend's List.
comment by hayduke on Apr 12, 2008 3:49 PM ()
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 12, 2008 3:13 PM ()
well not too bad at all.You are still young and wait for the realtionship.
Get your education first,and the rest will fall in for you.
You will have some up and down trying to find someone.
So,whats the hurry.You have a family there that love you.
This is a good sign.Afraid of the dark.Sooner or later you will get rid
of this.If not nothing to worry about.The random thing is not all that bad.I am not going to tell you mine.
comment by fredo on Apr 12, 2008 2:31 PM ()

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