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Health & Fitness > Porcupine in My Throat

Porcupine in My Throat

I awoke yesterday morning to a slight tickle in my throat. It felt as if I had swallowed a tiny porcupine that was lodged just past my uvula. And I knew what that meant… It meant, “Frick, I’m sick!!”

I played it off all night at work. When it started to bug me, I drank some water. When it started to bug me more, I ate some food. When it started to get scratchy, I ate some candy. Thank God it didn’t keep progressing cuz at the rate I was going, I would have been eating whole steaks and turkeys by night’s end.

But it didn’t really take hold until today. I laid down on the couch, grabbed my bright red blankey, and snuggled with the pillow on my chest and Riley at my feet and Lulu at my side. (Unlike some of you, I didn’t have a boy or girl to snuggle with… *sigh*).

Then it hit. The Fever. My head started swimming. My eyes watered but didn’t tear, and I felt myself getting mushier and hotter.

I sat up to get some water. It felt good but my throat, it was burning. That tiny porcupine that had lodged itself in there last night must’ve doubled in size cuz it felt like it was about to explode out of my neck.

I slipped my head deeper into the red blankey and fell asleep.

When I awoke to the phone (it was Dad, himself quite sick since last Wednesday), I think the porcupine had pitched a tent and set a campfire in there… I could feel it burning… and I could tell it was comfortable there, and going to stick around for a long time. Ugh, I hate being sick.

So I’m wondering if I should take a trip to Walgreens (just down the street). I probably should, but I don’t wanna leave the house.


I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. It's nothing serious. I just have to have some blood drawn to check my thyroid levels. I'm on a medication that can royally screw up your thyroid if you're not careful. Its basically done for preventative measures.

I'm not a fan of needles. Apparently when I was little, my Mom says that I would run out of the doctor's office screaming whenever I had to get vaccinated or have blood drawn. Hopefully that won't happen this time.

posted on June 13, 2008 3:13 PM ()


Now its already Monday here. I just hope you are feeling better already Matt.
comment by itsjustme on June 16, 2008 5:59 AM ()
Didn't know you were from Milwaukee Matt...hope things are dry by you...
comment by strider333 on June 14, 2008 9:57 PM ()
ok Matt I'm a mom, and I here goes..gargle (don't fuss just do it) with salt water, vinegar, and warm will help. Do it once every two hours for the will help. Tylenol for the fever..lots of liquid...soup if you have it...and all the hugs you can get..*grins* Hope you feel better hun...being sick sucks. *hugs*
comment by elfie33 on June 14, 2008 4:58 PM ()
eww, hope you start feeling better soon, and sometimes pets are better to snuggle with than a boy/girl anyhow, they don't mind if you breathe "sick breathe" on them

Get well soon
comment by ducky on June 14, 2008 9:37 AM ()
I hope you are feeling better now. I hate that feeling in the throat that you described so well. Being sick is no fun! Take gentle care of yourself!
comment by hopefields on June 14, 2008 1:35 AM ()
That so totally stinks!
I hope you will feel better!
comment by lunarhunk on June 13, 2008 8:22 PM ()
Hope you feel better!
comment by greeneyedgemini on June 13, 2008 8:07 PM ()
I could say something tacky about swabbing your throat but that's not my style!
Hope you asre feeling better--maybe a 24 hour flu???
comment by greatmartin on June 13, 2008 7:42 PM ()
Matt,this is a tough one.Hope that it will be fine on Monday.
Blood drawn.Just relax the muscle you will be fine.
Sorry,to hear about the illness.
How is mom doing there?
You be okay for Fathers Day?
comment by fredo on June 13, 2008 4:06 PM ()

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