When I put her in her cage, she settles down immediately, laying down and relaxing. As long as I’m in the room, she doesn’t mind being in there. But as soon as I leave, she bounces up and starts barking and whining her head off.

Today, my friends came over to treat me to a movie, so I had to leave her in her cage for about four hours. As I left, I made sure the latch was on tight.

When I got home, Riley came running to the door to greet me and then I heard a second set of feet running down the stairs. And there she was…Lulu…bounding down the hallway right at me.
Curiously, I walked upstairs to where her cage was, and there it was -- door wide open!

How the hell she got out of the cage, I guess I’ll never know. But this dog scares me how smart she is.
Oh, and there was a puddle of pee on the floor, waiting for me…
Perhaps, I should’ve named her Harriet Houdini.
I'm learning that dogs are truely remarkable creatures! [THUMBSUP]