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Parenting & Family > Parental Addiction

Parental Addiction

I’ve written before how my sister’s old Dell 4600 computer died last year because of the hard drive. I finally got around to fixing it because my mom asked about it. You see my parents are currently taking this, “Intro to Computer” course two nights a week.

They’ve been learning simple things I take for granted, like typing, e-mail, turning on a computer, and browsing the Internet. She wanted a computer of her own so she could practice the topics she learned in class.

Anyway, I bought a hard drive on and prayed that it wouldn’t be a hassle to install because I’ve never done it before.

So I went to install it … there were a couple of problems … but it went pretty successfully. I was talking to my friend about this, when you re-installed Windows NONE of the drivers get installed.

Which means when I turned on the computer, it couldn’t access the Ethernet card, it couldn’t access the modem, it couldn’t access the sound card, and it couldn’t access the video card either. It took an hour or so for me to go online and find all the drivers required.

Ummm .. by the way Dell .. finding those drivers weren’t that intuitive.

Gosh I hate Windows … if it were my Mac everything would have been working already. After finding the drivers I had to update and get SP 2 … damn Windows!! After that I had to install a Firewall, a Virus Scanner, and a Anit-Spyware program .. another reason to hate Windows!!

I was joking around with a couple of friends, because they know I love Apple, “Once you go Mac, you don’t go back.”

Okay so to the topic at hand … I asked her to use it because I wanted to make sure the hard drive was all right and also wanted her to get some practice as well.

While we were eating, my father was joking around that my mom was spending too much time on the Internet.

Dad: You were on the computer for almost 2 hours.

Mom: No .. yesterday .. more like an hour.

Dad: No .. we got home around 12 and you didn’t get off the computer until 2 in the afternoon. Pshhh .. and you tell me that I stay online too much.

Mom: *Laughs* .. Oh .. well it’s because I was listening to my music.

Dad: You see she watches Youtube and listens to songs online.

Me: What, you’re kidding right. *As I look and laugh at my mom*

Mom: What? I like watching my shows. Oh oh .. I finally found this show I’ve been searching for.

Me: How did you find it?

Mom: Well I just kept clicking and clicking …..

So I think my mom found a new addiction … the Internet … and I’m glad she’s enjoying it. When I was setting up her email, she was clicking every link. I was like, “No mom .. those are just ad’s .. you shouldn’t click on them.”

“Oh okay …”, as she continued clicking away on the ad’s. I was thinking of getting my parents an iMac once they’ve learned the basics, but think it would be confusing since the OS would be completely different.

My mom’s so funny. I can’t believe she watches Youtube and her “stories” (a.k.a these soap-opera drama’s she watches). I think my sister was right when she said my relationship with our parents would change … it feels different when I’m with them now.

posted on July 2, 2008 9:49 AM ()


i knew you were nice to your mom, I just knew it! good on you!

I had a Mac Plus when they first came out. My 68 year old mother learned in about two weeks. My then six year old nephew learned in two hours, I needed three days. I would give many dollars I don't have, to have a Mac now. Though I've made peace with Linux. ABW. Anything but windows.

comment by thestephymore on July 16, 2008 10:19 PM ()
Cute, my mom just had her hard drive crash on her, and she called me freaking out. She haden't backed up one thing on her 'puter in years. Fortunatly I had so as soon as she either gets a new machine or gets this one repaired I can help. Remond your mom if she is saving ANYTHING to back it up or it will be a bigger hastle next time.

Sadly I can't use a Mac, none of my work stuff is compatable *sad* Although as soon as that $20 I planted grows into a little tree I'm switching.....a bit worried that my soil is too sandy for maximum growth.
comment by ducky on July 4, 2008 5:43 AM ()
'You see my parents are currently taking this, “Intro to Computer” course two nights a week.' I did that before I got my first computer--I didn't even know how to turn it on--was a real good course for a beginner!
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2008 5:46 PM ()
LOL your mom is cute LOL. I am a PC person but I know the MAC people swear by them.
comment by panthurdreams on July 2, 2008 1:01 PM ()
I think it is so great that your mom is happy with the computer. It sounds like she is having a great time.
I am so jealous of your skills with computer hardware. I am great with software, but forget about opening that baby up and trying to fix it!
comment by lunarhunk on July 2, 2008 11:48 AM ()
I understand the "apple-thing" but addicted to windows lol. With apple I cant moderate my chat room btw the moderating-tools dont work on a mac.
Great to see ur parents are both online and even watch youtube....
comment by itsjustme on July 2, 2008 11:39 AM ()
I have to change mine.Not happy with Dell at all and it is
over rated.Next one will be Apple or Mac.
Never had either one.But do like to try them out.
Sounds that you doing the right thing there getting the
hard drive and of course the problems that goes along with it.
You will be fine.Have faith in you.
comment by fredo on July 2, 2008 10:26 AM ()
uhh-oh, are you going to have to fight them over internet time now...LOL. I am with you, switched to apples about 5 years ago and haven't gone back!
comment by ekyprogressive on July 2, 2008 10:07 AM ()

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