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Entertainment > Movies > Manhattan and the Invasion of the Monster

Manhattan and the Invasion of the Monster

I finally got to see the movie Cloverfield last night. My best buddy and his girlfriend came over to watch it with me. I had heard positive reviews for this film, that it wasn’t your "typical ‘Monster/Horror’ movie”. That’s very true though, it is by far the least typical monster/Horror movie you would encounter. One thing I need to stress about this movie is that it is NOT a monster movie. Yes, there is a monster in the movie, but the movie is about the attempts of a small group of people to survive when a monster attacks Manhattan. This makes sense since the movie is produced by J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot company - also the creators of "LOST". This movie is about those people and their point of view. It's a whole new take on the monster movie genre and I think overall, it works pretty well. That's not to say the movie is perfect, though.

I knew going into the movie that the creature was just the backdrop, that it revolved around the group of friends that we’re introduced to at the beginning of the movie. Having known that, I guess I was expecting something a little different. But it felt like a, “Been there, done that” kind of feeling. Boys loves girl, boy saves girl, friends come together in extreme crisis and the world comes to an end (That’s not how the movie ended, but you get the jist of it).

My expectations for this film were quite high and after viewing it, I felt that it never quite reached that point. The characters were believable, in the sense that you truly felt for them and understood what they were facing/going through. The way the movie was filmed felt real, in the sense that I was actually viewing a tape that was found in New York after this incident.

There was a scene where the group of friends are running through an abandoned subway tunnel and saw rats scurrying from something. This scene was the most frightening to me, I won’t say anything more, but if you do watch Cloverfield, just remember this part.

Cloverfield has been compared to Blair Witch Project. I don't really see it myself. The only thing is, if you haven’t seen the Blair Witch Project before, be forewarned about motion sickness. Have a baggy close at hand, haha. There were times during the movie where I had to look away from the TV because my stomach was starting to feel queasy and head getting dizzy. Prepare for one heck of a ride!

Watching the movie with my friend and his girlfriend can be awkward at times. I hate being the third wheel. It literally feels like I’m on their date because they talk about whatever is going on in their lives, they make out in front of me, and do whatever else couples do. I don’t mind, but sometimes it just feels a bit intrusive.

I cannot believe April is two days away.
UPDATE: My Mom and I saw our first Robin today!

posted on Mar 30, 2008 8:58 AM ()


Will watch out for this movie, havent heard about it yet. Btw all Robin's are great! lol
comment by itsjustme on Mar 31, 2008 12:43 AM ()
I think the Mist is out on DVD, I saw it advertised on tv. I have seen Saw and Saw II. Saw 4 is on pay per view but I have to see the third one first!
comment by elkhound on Mar 30, 2008 4:28 PM ()
Definitely NOT my type of movie!!! (And the reviews were really bad.) I'll leave these type of movies to you, AJ amd Dale.

Yes, aren't heterosexuals disgusting?? Always throwing their lifestyle in your face!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 30, 2008 4:09 PM ()
I didn't care for The Blair Witch Project so I doubt that I will watch this one. Crazy, but robins have been around here all winter--even with all of the terrible storms. Have a good week-
comment by angiedw on Mar 30, 2008 4:01 PM ()
Thanks for the review of Cloverfield. I have been trying to decide whether or not to go see this one, and I guess I can say I can just wait until it comes out on DVD and check it out for free at work.
Ouch! That so totally stinks about your friends making out in front of you. I can understand that they would want to be romantic, but they must realize that you are with them.
comment by lunarhunk on Mar 30, 2008 12:28 PM ()
I saw Cloverfield in the theater and it actually made some people sick with the camera bouncing around the way it did. I can see why it is compared to "Blair" because of the viewpoints.
comment by thepirateinthecity on Mar 30, 2008 9:27 AM ()
I had wanted to see that movie, but not sure now. The movie I really want to see is The Mist, a stephen king book. I love good horror movies. I love the Saw movies!
comment by elkhound on Mar 30, 2008 9:10 AM ()

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