I am thoroughly exhausted. The past two nights I got 3 hours of sleep but I loved it because after 2:30-ish I felt AMAZING, like a sudden burst of happiness and energy and for once everything seemed like it would be back on track. I've been having trouble concentrating and focusing at work this week, so I've been falling behind and screwing up, which is not like me. Staying up late by fighting through the excessive exhaustion just prior to adrenaline boosts reminded me what it felt like to be energized, excited, in control, and actually able to get all my work done. I was hoping I could feel it again. Wednesday night was very productive, because I could overcome minor mental impairment and slowness with impressive energy and motivation. I also had a GSA meeting before work and I was actually animated and inspiring! (I'm being sarcastic)
So then last night at work I just couldn't concentrate and my boss sent me home, but I got 3.5 hours this time and managed to get a bunch of stuff at home done (yep, I'm psycho like that). Today wasn't nearly as good. I was great at first, but then I noticed throughout the day that I was feeling kind of sick and had stomach pain. This gave way to noticeable sickness, headaches, and exhaustion. So much for adrenaline. I absolutely need to get back to a normal sleeping pattern again. Today ends my full-time work schedule until this summer. I hope to get caught up on sleep this weekend before I start my classes on Monday.
So, I'd like to congratulate myself on one of my recent displays of poor judgment. Prior to my Easter Break from school last week, we were assigned to read Kafka's The Metamorphosis (which is a little odd, and LONG - short story my ass) and well...I procrastinated. I still haven't finished it because I can't even think right now. Aside from my exhaustion (going on several nights now), this week was not supremely enjoyable.
But that's just me bitching.
So, I still have to finish The Metamorphosis and write my Macbeth essay and prepare to run the GSA's meeting on Monday. I am so excited! We're going to celebrate a belated National Day of Silence, which is kind of ironic considering what it represents, as well as for our Movie Night on the same day. We're showing The Laramie Project along with a local documentary. It'll be awesome because we reserved our school's auditorium and it's giant 25+ foot tall projector screen. YES!
Now if you'd allow me to degenerate into the topic of mindless drivel...
Current Thoughts:
I am so screwed for this essay.
I have some horrible moody version of senioritis.
My hair is a mop in need of cutting and better styling.
I really want a new tatoo.
I can't bear to wait much longer for my financial aid decision.
Penquins are unbelievably cute.
Happy Friday Y'all. THE WEEKEND BEGINS.