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Entertainment > A Little Family Adventure

A Little Family Adventure

One of my favorite shows to watch is Little People Big World. The premise of the show is (Taken from Wikipedia):

“The show follows the daily lives of the Roloff family — parents Matt and Amy, and their four children, Zach, Jeremy, Molly and Jacob. Matt, Amy and Zach are little people, while Jeremy, Molly and Jacob are average height. Teenaged Zach and Jeremy are twins, despite the fact that they are not both little people. The family lives on the 34-acre Roloff Farms, located in Helvetia, Oregon (A suburb of Portland, Oregon). Although crops such as peaches and pumpkins are grown and sold by the family, much of the farm has been converted into a series of playground set pieces for the Roloff children. They were designed by Matt, who spent most of his childhood in the hospital. He has tried to make his children’s lives the best possible.
Episodes of the show typically showcase one or more members of the Roloff family engaging in everyday activities such as shopping, athletics and dealing with household finances. The drama of the show arises from the fact that many of these activities are made more challenging due to the height of the little people in the family — Matt and Amy are 4'1″ (124 cm), Zach is just under 4'′ (122 cm).”

The show premiered in 2006 and I bought that season on DVD to watch. It’s such a great show because it really shows the difficulties that little people face. They can do everything an average height person does, just differently.

I love the mom, Amy, she’s so fun to watch. I mean managing 4 kids ranging from 10 - 17. And then also taking care of her husband, running the house, and also working part-time. I’m just tired watching what she has to do. But you can really see that she loves her family and what she does.

Then there’s the dad, Matt, who thinks up all these “projects” to do around the farm. He’s so imaginative with all the ideas that he has, which is really interesting. He travel’s a bit for his business, so he doesn’t get to spend a whole lot of quality time with the kids, which sucks because they’re all growing up pretty quickly.

Then there are the 4 kids: Jeremy & Zach (the twins), Molly, and finally Jacob. It’s just interesting to see these siblings together. Whether they’re playing soccer with one another or just being at home and goofing around like normal brothers and sisters do.

I’m happy to learn the new season is starting March 3! Now I have to be patient and wait. So grab some popcorn, cuddle up with your man (or woman) if you have one, and sit back and watch what the Roloff’s are doing on their season premiere. For me, it airs on TLC at 7:00 Central in the evening .. so check your local time. If you haven’t seen it, give it a shot. It's just something different to watch.

posted on Apr 9, 2008 12:31 PM ()


My buddy Tammi loves this show but I haven't ever watched. Maybe I will now. Mahalo
comment by panthurdreams on Apr 10, 2008 6:49 PM ()
Never heard of it here Matt, sounds nice btw
comment by itsjustme on Apr 10, 2008 2:19 AM ()
Never heard of this show--is it still on TV? Cable?? It's April 9--did you mean it will start on the 9th or has it on for a month already???
comment by greatmartin on Apr 9, 2008 6:36 PM ()
Just got this on my netflix.This is the first season.
Did you seen them all.They are up to three.
Thank you for telling me on this.
comment by fredo on Apr 9, 2008 4:18 PM ()
Will have to check this out on Netflix.Never heard of this series.
How are you doing there Matt.Things are okay there.
Hope that life is treating you well.
comment by fredo on Apr 9, 2008 1:50 PM ()
This sounds really interesting! I have never heard of this show!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 9, 2008 12:40 PM ()
I keep forgetting to watch it! I used to watch it all the time, it is a very good show!
comment by elkhound on Apr 9, 2008 12:38 PM ()

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