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Life & Events > Laundry, Lunch, and Lucy

Laundry, Lunch, and Lucy

Usually on Tuesday’s I help Mom do laundry.

I was helping her fold bath towels when she pulled my iPhone out, “What!? You bought the new phone!?”, said my mom.

“No!? … Well not yet anyways”, as I smiled back. She was surprised I didn’t buy it like a friend of mine did and was saying how well it’s selling. I think deep down she knows I’ll probably end up getting it eventually … well maybe.

Most of the time we usually go out together, grab lunch and come back home. But everyone was busy with their own things today …

1. My dad went out with his friends, it was a “guys” outing so my mom didn’t go. I was surprised they went to eat at Steakhouse because my mom said it’s convenient for them. They can just talk, drink coffee, and hang out.

2. My sister and her husband went out with her friends to “hike” … which means at some beach. She was telling me that on Friday she and her friends went to this bar they always go to. To the point that the waitress there already knows them AND what they usually drink.

Which leaves my mom by herself at home. She needed to go to the market, so we decided to eat lunch at Olive Garden (our favorite restaurant!) and buy groceries afterwards.

I don’t know if it’s because we haven’t spoken for awhile … but she looked uncomfortable. I mean we talk, maybe for a couple of minutes, but still. During the drive to the market, she had her arms crossed the entire time. I know she feels uncomfortable when I drive … but still … I haven’t seen her like this. She sounded normal though.

We decided to eat lunch first … we got seated at a booth and a short time later our food came. It was odd because we didn’t really talk. I tried starting a conversation with her, but she just answered them in an annoyed tone. I asked about the Intro to Computer classes she’s taking, my Uncle buying a foreclosed home in the worst possible area, and about the house watching she's doing for my Aunt while she’s in China. She didn’t really elaborate on any of the topics … I don’t know if it’s because we don’t really talk as much as before and it’s awkward or if she just didn’t feel like talking. We finished up eating and of course she made a comment about me not eating as much.

We went around buying some fruit, some meat and ice cream for my dad. Afterwards we headed on home because I had to get back and meet some friends. She started to talk more on the drive home. So I guess it was just awkward at first because we don’t talk as much as we use to. It was nice talking to her about work, how she has to study for a test next week -- it was just really nice talking and joking with her again.

Anyways I was supposed to drop her off at my Aunt’s house so she could spend time with my Grandmother. But it’s ridiculously hot over there, to the point that it literally feels like you’re in an oven. So she decided to wait for my dad instead because she didn’t want go there so early and basically bake in the house. “I’ll just wait for your dad … I know you have to go back home and wait for your friends,”, she said.

“Are you sure, you’re just going to sit at home? I can take you if you want”, I said. She said it was fine because she would just be watching television over there too.

I backed out of the driveway and waved goodbye to her.

I’m starting to wonder what she’ll do when they move next month and my dad goes out without her. I kind of feel bad that she’ll just be alone … she's such a social person and needs to have people around her.

By the time I got back home I took a run and watched some “I Love Lucy”. They were showing the Europe episodes … which are some of my favorite ones. But I think the Hollywood episodes are better still.

I’m thinking it might be another busy week at work. Even though it gets stressful at times, even though I end up having to close most the end of the day...I find myself enjoying it.

posted on July 22, 2008 1:36 PM ()


We had a total of nine including me,
Four brothers and four sister.Poor Mama
comment by fredo on July 28, 2008 11:57 AM ()
Did you know that the soup is used to be poor man folks soup.
That they throw everything in it.Pasta,beans,etc.anything that
they can find to make the soup and add the tomatoes.
We used to put a toasted home made Italian bread on the bottom
of the plate and pour the soup over it.Make sure that mom children
get filled up with this.Now I guess they call this a classic.
This was fed to us many times during the depression years.
comment by fredo on July 25, 2008 12:02 PM ()
oh Olive Garden sounds soo good. I live for their salad and breadsticks.
comment by ducky on July 24, 2008 7:08 PM ()
Aww your such a lovely person caring for your mum, beieve me you are 'rare', I wish my kids would worry boot me just as much. I'm sure she knows how wonderful you are, tell you what - your a blessing in every moms eyes
comment by lynnie on July 24, 2008 6:58 PM ()
I LOOOOVVVVEEEE The Olive Garden!!!! Minestrone, Pasta Prima Vera and BREADSTICKS are to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can you tell that it's lunchtime, and I'm STARVING!!!)
comment by hayduke on July 24, 2008 9:27 AM ()
I've never been to an Olive Garden restaurant. One day I hope to be able to go. Glad you and your mom got to talk some on the way home.
comment by hopefields on July 24, 2008 1:34 AM ()
Sound great there and doing things with mom.
Though cannot go along with you on the Olive Garden thing.
This is a nightmare for me.I go to a authentic Italian place.
For me Olive Garden is not.But if you liked it that is fine.
No puns..Just like good Italian Food.Now can you explain this?
Good post.
comment by fredo on July 22, 2008 3:10 PM ()
I'm sorry to hear that things are awkward with your Mom. I like Olive Garden too!!
comment by texastar on July 22, 2008 3:02 PM ()
This was really well written! Thanks for sharing.
I have those same awkward moments with my uncle/father (long story) so I understand.
I love "I Love Lucy!"
comment by lunarhunk on July 22, 2008 2:10 PM ()
I enjoyed reading this post. It's obvious you love your mom. What a great kid you are!
comment by firststarisee on July 22, 2008 1:42 PM ()

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