It was extremely refreshing to visit this museum. The modern pieces on exhibit were shocking, captivating, alarming, and inspiring at the same time. There was an exhibit detailing a man who would bite his body in all the places his mouth could reach showing pictures of his natural body art. I was intrigued by a painting of an androgenous male figure with his legs crossed showing only a patch of hair in between his legs, letting the observer wonder if this man was hiding something or not. While yes there was some bizarre modern art displayed, the vast majority were very interesting pieces. My favorite was a "war head." This piece was a skeletoid head with words related to wars engraved into it. There was a great picture gallery showing a seemingly beautiful American West landscape until you realized each photo was showing how man has tainted it for our enjoyment. The museum also featured more classic styles of paintings from 19th century Ohioans.
Having never been to Northeast Ohio I had no idea what Akron used to look like. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that downtown Akron has gone through a revitalization process. Boulevarded streets, brick sidewalks, world class museums, coffee shops, restaurants and boutiques fill space next to office buildings and high rises.

As a visitor to town, I would say the city definitely impressed me. I actually enjoyed walking around downtown. I would have wanted to go back to downtown if we had more time, but Ryan and I had to get back to WI. The weather report was predicting some pretty heavy storms, so we didn't want to take any chances. We got back to WI at 10 pm. It took us a bit longer on the way home since we stopped twice for something to eat. What can I say -- we were hungry boys! Ryan stayed over Sunday night then drove back to Madison the following morning. It was a nice end to a very nice weekend.
Curious things
This is an Amish parking lot. I wonder if there is a fine for putting a car there?

Apparently someone needs a kidney so badly they advertise on telephone poles.

Ever wonder how Jesus would drive?

I doubt he would even drive to Woo-Town, perhaps walk. No, I think he'd hitch a ride with the Amish and ride into town with these gentlemen:

I wonder if she did it "just for the taste of it?"

(I was personally THRILLED to see Amish people...so cool!)
So that's it. Have a good week everyone!