OK, I’ve been excited about Batman, The Dark Knight since hearing it was going to be made. Well, last night me and two of my friends managed to get tickets to the midnight showing and HOLY awesome movie BATMAN! I don’t want to ruin it for anyone, but it definitely didn’t disappoint. It was definitely one heck of a finale for Heath Ledger, his portrayal of The Joker was incredible!
The movie is quite long but they manage to keep the action/intensity going strong throughout, keeping you from getting bored. As my friend Jamie pointed out, it’s nice that the harsh violence in it is a bit vague, they generally pan away or do other things with the camera to keep from showing anything gruesome. I think it’s great to be able to watch a rather violent film and not have to see heads blow up or get shot off or see people get stabbed. I think it actually adds a lot to the movie when those things aren’t on screen, the imagination is powerful enough to make it as bad or even worse than it would have been with special effects.
Anyway, I’m not that good at reviewing movies, but The Dark Knight kicked some serious butt and I really enjoyed it - if for some reason you’re waffling on seeing it, I highly recommend that you go!
… and another cool thing, two notable previews were shown - The Watchmen and Terminator: Salvation (starring Christian Bale) - both set to release next year!