This is a really good explanation of what anime is all about. I have been collecting anime DVD's for quite awhile to varying degrees of dedication. The last time I updated my inventory spreadsheet (which was about a year ago I guess) I had enough anime to sit down and watch it straight 24/7 for 46 days. I think also that at that point I had watched 60% of my total inventory. Yes, yes you guys can tease me all you want about the spreadsheet. I won't deny that I am nerdy when it comes to spreadsheets and weird calculations - random facts are cool!
I have always liked all different types of animation. I was a big Disney fan when I was younger (I still like Disney stuff, but I am around a lot of Disney haters so I have to keep it really toned down). I used to rush home from school so I wouldn't miss it. I would get so engrossed in the story that I would get very upset when something bad would happen (besides I had a huge crush on one of the main characters!). I was hooked. The other series that I really liked was Robotech. I didn't really get back in to anime until lately. After watching some of the classics like Record of Lodoss War, Oh My Goddess, and Ninja Scroll I was hooked again in a big way. I tend to favor stories in which I can lose myself (that is true of anime, movies, and books). Some of my favorite anime titles are as follows (list in random order):
Fushigi Yugi - beautiful artwork, travel to another world, cool martial arts, a lot of likeable characters
Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars - cool storyline, good lovestory

Tenchi Muyo - likeable characters and some really funny storylines
Oh My Goddess - Really beautiful artwork, great lovestory
Vampire Hunter Bloodlust - this is perhaps the best artwork of any anime series I have seen so far.
I tried to get a cel from this anime to add to my cel collection but they are very hard to get. I also like this one because I have a thing for vampires :-)
Boys Over Flowers - great soap opera and a good ending that is so rare with anime series
Fruits Basket - this is just a sweet story that makes me feel good to watch
There are more but I will go on about them at another time I am sure!