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Love As Much As You Can

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > I Love Modern Life!

I Love Modern Life!

While dealing with my mom's estate, I happened upon a letter from my great grandfather to my grandmother. Apparently, she was leaving all she knew and loved behind in order to marry my grandfather, so she was his soon to be daughter-in-law. Great grandfather knew what that entailed as he had done the same many years earlier.

He talked about how in his day, obtaining images of loved ones was costly and difficult. It was beyond his ability at the time. In his letter he expressed how much he regretted the fact that he would never again see the faces of his dear ones. He did not have a single daguerreotype to remind him of what they looked like.

He spoke about the marvelous advancement in photography and encouraged her to do whatever she could do to obtain photographs of her family and friends to take with her. Happily, she took his advice. We all enjoy the portraits she'd arranged to have taken during that time of her life. I'm not sure, but I don't think she ever went back home, though I think her sister may have visited her once.

My own parents had pictures, but only called long distance a few times a year. I remember those awkward Christmas conversations, talking with grandparents I barely knew. Was it really so expensive that it had to be reserved for special occasions? Even recently, whenever I'd call FIL, he'd ask "How much is this costing you? I'll call you back. I can call you for a penney a minute".

Having a daughter in Europe really drives it home to me how blessed I am to live in this period of time! It was so hard letting her go, but not nearly as hard as it was for my ancesters. She's far away, but we are very close. She calls me from her computer regularly. If I want to see the latest pics of her I can check her facebook page. She's been home several times since she's moved there.

We had a long conversation on the phone yesterday. She had gone wedding dress shopping earlier. I would have liked to be there. So, while we talked we looked up more dresses. It was so great because even though we are far apart, I knew which ones she would like before she even told me. I am so happy to be able to experience this level of togetherness from such a long distance.

Finding the dress will be the easy part. Figuring out which continent to get married on... not so easy!

posted on Oct 14, 2012 6:52 AM ()


You're so lucky to have correspondence saved from ancestors. Despite my genealogy research, I have very little left in writing--and few photos. Today's society is obsessed with picture taking. I noticed when the space shuttle was passing down the street in L.A., EVERYBODY had a camera up!
comment by solitaire on Oct 15, 2012 5:00 AM ()
I feel very blessed to have a wealth of pictures, journals, and stories passed down. I feel like I know them. One thing about pictures is that they are often stored only in our electronic devices these days. Call me old fashioned but that's one thing I like to have at least a few hard copies of.
reply by maggiemae on Oct 15, 2012 7:10 AM ()
I always got in trouble on long distance calls. I really enjoy having the
bundle that includes long distance. It means my daughter and I stay in
constant touch. I am so happy that you can do the same.
comment by elderjane on Oct 15, 2012 4:52 AM ()
It means a lot, doesn't it!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 15, 2012 7:11 AM ()
I haven't watched that show but I've seen it listed and will be sure to tune in. So far, the wedding hasn't seemed quite real, since she's so far away, and the date is set for two years in advance. This dress shopping phone call has helped me realize I need to get on the ball!

Years ago, I remember feeling almost sick about an $80 phone bill that I'd racked up. I'd splurged and had a long conversation with a very good friend. We now have a package that includes phone, TV, internet, and unlimited long distance. It's just part of our monthly expenses, but it's more than $80!
comment by maggiemae on Oct 14, 2012 5:13 PM ()
the pc and skype even dropbox are a good way to keep in touch.
can remerber those trunk calls from the post office had to make sure you had the exact money in coin.
comment by kevinshere on Oct 14, 2012 4:53 PM ()
Communication has come a long way since then!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 14, 2012 5:02 PM ()
It is a great time to be alive. I can remember mimeograph machines and telephones that were just telephones. Now, as you say, look at us!
comment by steve on Oct 14, 2012 2:54 PM ()
Yeah! I was slow to join the computer age but now that I have, I wonder what we ever did without it!
reply by maggiemae on Oct 14, 2012 5:04 PM ()
It truly is amazing how the globe has shrunk due our ability to communicate over the miles. I can remember when 15 minute phone call across the miles would cost $5.00 or 8.00 or something like that. During the call, of course, it didn't matter, but next month when the bill came: buyer's remorse, especially if the one paying the bill wasn't involved in the phone call.

It must be so exciting planning a wedding. Have you seen that TV show: Four Weddings? I never miss it. Certainly some good ideas there of things to do and things not to do. I used to watch the wedding dress ones, but finally got burned out that aspect of it.
comment by troutbend on Oct 14, 2012 9:45 AM ()
I must have forgotten to hit the 'reply' thingy. My response is above...
reply by maggiemae on Oct 14, 2012 5:17 PM ()

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