AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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Health & Fitness > What is Wrong with My Neck?

What is Wrong with My Neck?

I am not really sure what happened, but for the last week or so I have been having a low ache that starts where the spine moves from being part of my upper back to being my lower neck. It is not a sharp pain. It feels more look a dull ache that you get when you are really tired but it seems to be lingering around a bit.

I know that I have not done anything to pull the muscles so I am not really all that worried. It is just more annoying than anything. I wish I could find a way to get rid of it. It really isn't even worth mentioning it to my doctor.

posted on May 30, 2008 12:27 PM ()


Sound to me like you're keeping yourself in a bad position, either while sleeping or while working...even the way you tilt your head and neck while cycling or reading. Do those rotation type of exercises...do them periodically while at work or after being in a specific position for a period of time. If it doesn't go away, I would mention it to your doctor on your next visit...no, you don't need to go running in there with the problem, just mention the next time you go if it's still lingering. It's better to check something out when it's a nuisance than when it becomes more painful...just in case it's arthritis or something else that's causing it.
comment by donnamarie on June 2, 2008 10:48 PM ()
No, no--who is starting that ugly rumor that stress will give you neck pains?!?! It's a lie--so keep on doing our worrying!! How about sticking your neck out more?? Just a suggsetion.
comment by greatmartin on May 30, 2008 6:13 PM ()
Another thing is that when your on the computer.
Posture is straight up and the monitor should be eye level.
This also can cause this,if not doing this properly.
There is a lot of reason the neck.Putting a lot of stress on it
That what is happening.If this continue check with the doc.
comment by fredo on May 30, 2008 2:32 PM ()
Maybe it *is* your pillow...when was the last time you replaced it? I get really terrible headaches when my pillow loses it's oomph.The only remedy for the pain that I've found is vodka and Robax.Lots and lots of vodka.
comment by janetk on May 30, 2008 1:30 PM ()
Here is what you do.Range of motion.Turn your neck left and
right as far as you can go.Keep doing it and this will help
some of the dull ache.For me I have arthritis,not sure if
you do,if this continued have it check out.
In the meantime do the range of motion on your neck.
Good luck.
Another things is stress on the nerves.
comment by fredo on May 30, 2008 12:35 PM ()
Mine feels the same way...I thought I was laying wrong on my pillow. If you find out what's going on let me know too...
comment by elfie33 on May 30, 2008 12:30 PM ()

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