I have always had serious trouble with nightmares, particularly when there is a lot going on with my everyday life. What is really bad about my nightmares is that there is always a strong level of reality with them. Interestingly enough, they often relate to my mother and my childhood home.
Anyway, as you all know, this past week (actually the time from September to yesterday) was really wild and crazy when it came to my schedule. I really worked myself to the bone in a level that I don't think that I have ever done. I say this while being someone who worked three jobs while going to college full-time. I really burned myself out, and this past week was filled with a lot of pressure because the final aspect of my busy schedule that had to be tied up by yesterday afternoon. The good news is that the grading got done with a whole day to spare, but I was really worried that I wasn't going to get it done. I know, Martin, I always worry when I don't have to.
Well, the dreams involved me and Ray riding south to the town that I grew up with. I remember specific streets and places I remember from that time period. Somehow, the town (Coventry) merged with Newport because I remember seeing the Newport Bridge. We were actually rushing back to my old house in the hopes of getting there to save my dogs (Bozo and Patches) from when I was a kid. Real trouble was coming in the form of a tsunami. We did make it to the streets of the neighborhood, but everything had been leveled, and it was now the new coastline of the Narragansett Bay, which is that major body of water that splits Rhode Island up.
I woke up before I found the dogs, and it left me quite disturbed. Thankfully, it was just a dream.