Last weekend was quite the adventure when it came to the weather. For the most part, we have had a really mild winter. Well, we made up for the slow start in a single weekend. We actually ended up having snow for three days in the form of two storms, and they resulted in two snow days for me. The first day, we got about 14 inches. We got about 4 inches on Saturday and another 8 on Sunday. That meant I ended up having Friday and Sunday off because the library remained closed.
I took Saturday as a vacation day because I had planned to use it to try and get caught up on my grading. I ended up using all three days for that purpose, though there was a bit of shoveling to be done as well. I am actually relieved that I had the two extra days because I am not sure I would have gotten the grading done in time if I didn't get those two additional days.
The really nice thing is that the snow was cleaned up for Christmas Eve and Day, and we ended up having a white Christmas. In fact, the weather has been really warm, and we have been getting lots of rain so almost all of the snow is almost gone already. It really is the best kind of snow.