My day started off a little earlier than usual. Before going to work, I had to drive down to the hospital to have a sonogram done. My gastro-enterologist wanted to take a good look at my liver. Don't worry ... it was nothing serious. In fact, it is good news.
I have talked in the past about a condition called fatty liver disease, which I have. It is basically the formation of fat deposits on the liver. In my case, it was due to my formerly bad cholesterol and pretty high weight. It is not a horrible condition to have, but if it goes untreated, it can lead to cirrhosis.
The most obvious treatment is to remove the causing factors, which my good behavior with diet and exercize has taken care of. The doctor seems to think that my body might be processing the fat deposits that were on my liver and be returning to normal. The sonogram was to check it out to see if that were true. (Any you were thinking it was because I was pregnant! Admit it!)
I had a sonogram 8 years ago to check out my gallbladder, which ended up being taken out a short time later. This seemed a little different. For one thing, I thought the tech was going to burn me with the jelly! Most people complain that it is cold, but the hospital has obviously taken to warming it up a bit. I think they forgot to take it off the burner.
Then, I thought the tech was going to break one of my ribs when she was pressing so hard at one point. All-in-all, it went fine. I should get the results of the test at my next check up in a couple of weeks.
Probably the worst part was the fact that I was only able to wipe off the jelly and ended up feeling paranoid that people could smell it on me all day!