I was typing a comment to Janet the other night, and it made me realize that it might be interesting to introduce you all to my card-playing, lady friends. As you probably know, Ray and I play cards every Saturday and Monday night with some ladies who live in the low-income housing for seniors and disabled that is across from the end of our street. They are an interesting group, and we find our time with them filled with lots of laughter and fun.
Monitor is actually the person who got us into cards. She works with Ray at the bus company as another monitor. She is actually the person closest in age to me, and she is halfway between Ray and me in years (37). Ray has sort of adopted her as a little sister. She is kind of a shy girl, and we all think that her family has sorta kept her back socially for one reason or another.
Next is the Swede. Her initials are VD, and no one ever lets her live it down, particularly when she is dealing. Everyone says they are sure they don't want anything VD is giving out. She is the oldest of the gang, on the verge of her 83rd birthday. You would never guess her age because she is so full of spunk.
Next we have Churchgoer. She is the lady of the group. She is also so kind and generous with both her friendship as well as with the treats. Like us, she tends to bring snacks that everyone can pick over. She also should have been a character actress because she has so many expressions that make me laugh. She is also known to talk in a perfect little girl voice.
Next is Frenchie, who has been a friend of Churchgoer since they were kids. She is always good for some French words and terms when things are going a little rough. She is also a big cookie maker, which makes her quite popular with me. She tends to sit next to me and feed me her discards so we have gotten used to each other's playing style.
Then, there is Gram. She is Monitor's grandmother, and she really is so funny. She likes to really flirt with Ray and me, which gets everyone laughing. She is really at the core of all the double entendre in evidence while we play. It usually has us laughing so heard that we are crying and in pain.
They really are such wonderful ladies. We have so much spending time with them. I feel really lucky that they have let us join them in their card games.