AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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World Of Ares

Computing & Technology > A New Pair of Phones

A New Pair of Phones

On my way into work today I stopped into T-Mobile to look into replacing my phone, which had developed the ability to talk to people far away. I had been thinking of getting the exact same phone, but it seems that the stores no longer carry it, though I could have ordered it online if I had been willing to wait a week or two for them to ship it to me. I really wasn't so I decided to pick something else.

They were actually sold out of the first runner up so I had to decide whether to go for a third option that was a lot more expensive or something a little cheaper that was similar to my original phone. I opted for the latter: a Samsung Blast. It is not quite everything that I want, but the more I use it as I set it up, the better.

I spent some of today playing with the phone, making it look like I wanted with the right wallpaper and such. I also had to go thru and reenter everyone in my Contact List. I got a lot of people from looking at my bills, but there are still a few people I have to sort out. There are also two people that I sent warm Thanksgiving wishes to last week that I don't recognize by there number. I am probably going to have to break down and call the numbers so I can identify the two of them. I think one of them is my godparents who live in Florida, but who have RI cell phone numbers.

I also got a bigger plan for my phone and made it a family plan so Ray could get a phone as well. He did not want anything exciting so I was able to get him one of the free phones. This will make it easier to stay in touch with him since he is always out and about somewhere. He ended up with a RAZR V3, which was the phone everyone wanted a few years ago. Now, they are literally giving them away!

I think these will end up being a nice fit for the two of us.

posted on Dec 1, 2008 7:09 PM ()


They keep adding more crap, I mean features, to the phones and keep churning out new ones. It's a phone, I want to make calls with it.
comment by stiva on Dec 2, 2008 10:48 AM ()
Forgot to mentioned that I used skype to call over and it is free.
If you joined this I can even talk to you.
Lot of people do not realized this.
comment by fredo on Dec 2, 2008 10:24 AM ()
Ah!playing with your new toys again.
comment by fredo on Dec 2, 2008 10:18 AM ()
I'm so glad to read that you got all of that worked out.
comment by janetk on Dec 2, 2008 6:17 AM ()
plsssss add me ...... lol
comment by itsjustme on Dec 2, 2008 2:37 AM ()
You won't believe this BUT as a poor senior citizen I may be getting a free cell phone with free minutes--just what I don't want!!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 1, 2008 8:06 PM ()
NOpe... I've got AT&T.
comment by anniel on Dec 1, 2008 7:25 PM ()
Glad you got the phone situation all settled. Now.... am I on your fave list????
comment by anniel on Dec 1, 2008 7:22 PM ()

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