AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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Entertainment > Movies > A Lot like Love - a Review

A Lot like Love - a Review

Sometimes fate has a plan we just don't see and our whole lives can change in an instant thanks to a chance encounter. Emily (Amanda Peet) and Oliver (Ashton Kutcher)run into each other at the airport on their way to New York. While flying high in the sky, they become part of the "Mile High Club." She is a grungy goth-girl with ties to the music industry, and he is the guy who stays on the straight and narrow and has a plan that will make him rich by the time he is 30. That doesn't stop them from spending a few days together. Oliver is definitely interested in her, but he strikes out with her (literally) because he just doesn't seem right. They both head back to California and on their separate ways.

Then periodically over the next several year, these two friends come in and out of each other's lives. They help each other through various challenges while also continuing to skirt the feelings they feel for each other just under the surface. Each time, one of them seems to think they are wrong for each other. Subconsciously, they know that it all feels a lot like love, but will they really figure it out before it is too late?

This is really a cute romantic comedy that I had never heard of before. I ran into it with a preview for another movie that I had gotten from the library. It was really enjoyable and great for one of those times when you don't want to cry or feel too depressed. It had its light moments, like when they got caught together naked in the back of a car in a family campground.

What was interesting is that I never found myself groaning at the fact that they didn't connect again. Things really seem to make sense, and while you wish they would just figure things out, you also know that one of them is not ready at each period.

This is really a movie only for people who love romantic comedies. I liked it enough that I ordered it for the teen collection at my library after seeing it.

posted on Aug 3, 2008 8:16 PM ()


I don't mean to sound "old fashioned", because I really am not. It's just that I can't help but think that this sort of movie never would have even been considered for teenage viewing by the library or anywhere. Can you imagine a movie that even mentions the Mile High Club (tsk tsk) and being found naked in a car, regardless of where it was (tsk tsk) being made readily available to teens? (I laugh because I remember "sneaking" Valley of the Dolls and Rosemary's Baby)

Anyway, as an adult now...no more looking back...I see where this might be a bit lame in a real moving story line, but entertaining and interesting enough to make for an ok viewing. Nothing heavy, just lightly relaxing.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 2, 2008 6:19 PM ()

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