Today was a good day overall. It just seemed to drag a bit. I am not sure why. We were actually pretty busy at the library. I think I just was not really in the mood to be there today. I had a pretty hard time focusing on work from the moment I got there today. There are just some days when I want to not have to think and when it is a work day at the library, it is not going to happen.
On a bright note, I really threw myself into serving the patrons. That is the one good think about working with the publice. When you are cranky, you just throw yourself into being really nice and trying to give them everything they want. Usually they are so positive and thankful that they get you revved up.
There is nothing more rewarding than helping a frantic mom and her reading-resistant teen pick out a few good books so they don't kill each other before trying to do it on their own. They really do appreciate it. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.
I did get a chance to look at my budget for the new fiscal year, which started on July 1. The good news is I got quite a boost in my funds and the $500 I got this year to start a gaming system game collection was renewed for a second year. I guess that means the Director is pleased with the fact that the shelves for the games are always empty because they are always circulating! I guess it helped that I overspent one of my budget lines by $600. It proves I can use the money if I get it!
I was so thrilled when 6:00 pm came by, though. I just wanted to get out of work. I guess that is sort of weird because it really was a good day! I didn't really have anything to complain about.
The word of the day was lethargic.