AJ Coutu


AJ Coutu
Providence, RI


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World Of Ares

Cities & Towns > Weather > An Icy Day

An Icy Day

Yesterday turned out to be quite the interesting day. They had predicted an interesting storm ... the same one that Fredo was talking about. It was supposed to start with snow, bringing a few inches before changing over to sleet then freezing rain, and then finally rain. As you can imagine, it really just resulted in a total mess.

We woke up to find everything frozen over. On the bright side, I really don't have to worry too much about things since I am on vacation. That means there was no rush to get onto the road to try and drive to work. Ray was a little less lucky, though we did have an hour delay for the start of school.

He had to chisel out tire tracks so he could make it down our driveway, which is on a hill, without hurtling across the street into the apartment building there. He said that it was a nightmare to get around picking up the kids, and it didn't get any better once they got the bus to the schools.

Apparently, the ice blocked up most of the drain slots, which meant the parking lots were flooding. That meant he had to stand on the sidewalk and pick up each child from the bus' lowest step and lift them onto the sidewalk so they would have to step in the deep puddles or slip on the icy sidewalk. The good news is they are only elementary school kids so he didn't struggle too much with it with his 6'3 frame.

I got to spend most of the day in the living room reading, watching TV and fooling around on the Internet with the fireplace going and the girls snoring away next to me on the couch. All-in-all, that was not really a bad day.

posted on Jan 8, 2009 10:00 AM ()


Yeah, they do. The school that they go to is comprised mostly of bussed in kids from various parts of the county, with just a few "walkers" so when the buses are canceled a LOT of kids miss school that day.
comment by janetk on Jan 10, 2009 1:52 PM ()
That makes sense. For us, the buses can be canceled without the school being closed. The school pretty much never closes but the buses have already been canceled twice this year.
comment by janetk on Jan 10, 2009 8:08 AM ()
We had yucky weather like that just before Christmas. It sucked. A lot. Now it's just cold as f*ck. With snow. Lots and lots of snow.

I hope you were good to Ray when he got home from that treacherous day and driving! Do they ever cancel the buses the way that they do here?
comment by janetk on Jan 9, 2009 7:47 AM ()
Your last lines sounds so great lol
comment by itsjustme on Jan 9, 2009 2:09 AM ()
We are/were suppose to have another 'cold wave' coming but today was picture perfect!!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 8, 2009 5:06 PM ()
Am I the only one that is sick to death of winter already?
comment by meranda on Jan 8, 2009 10:10 AM ()

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