I am not really sure exactly what I did. On Monday night I was sitting on the floor of the living room wrapping a few gifts. It is actually the easiest place do do it because I can spread the paper, scissors, ribbon, bows, and gifts all around me for easier access. Well, I decided that I wanted to one of gifts with tissue paper and a gift bag so I was getting up to grab the stuff, when I started getting a charlie horse in the area just above my right knee.
After a few minutes, the muscles loosened up, but I still found myself in a bit of pain. Somehow, It resulted in a pulled muscle in the area so I am now walking around with an interesting limp.
What is really weird is that the pain really results mostly when I put a lot of strain on the leg when it is bent.
I used to have a lot of trouble with my knees when I spent a lot more time playing tennis than I do know, so I have special wraps for the knee that provide a higher level of support. I went digging and found them. That has really helped a lot.
It is kind of funny, though.
Do not listen to all of these people talking about age.This is bunk.
It may or not meaning to get some attention to it.
Think postive my man and do some therapy for yourself whats ailing you.
Are you doing the treadmill?Spining is much better and very helpful to the knee.Treadmill is very hard on it.Think about it.
Riding the bike is so much better.
Look in to it.