I ended up getting this one as a result of a recommendation a woman I work with made. She really liked the movie and thought it was pretty intense. She was right.
The movie is actually based on a play by Tony Piccirillo, who wrote the film adaptation. Two guys end up hitting it off at a bar, and Tom invites Dan to come home to his apartment. This leads to some awkward chatter in which Dan tries to kiss Tom. Tom, who seems to be quite the novice in sexual relationships, shifts the conversation to talk about Dan's sexual history and safety practices. It is during the conversation that Dan realizes this is not the first time he has been to Tom's apartment.
It is at this point when things get a little rough, and Tom takes Dan hostage. It quickly becomes clear that their previous encounter has troubled Tom for years. Tom recently learned that he was HIV-positive and blames Dan for his status because that was his one and only gay experience. Now, Tom is threatening to kill Dan based on the results of bloodwork he has arranged to have tested after it was taken from Dan.
The movie is a mix of intense scenes between the two characters as they interact over the course of a few days and experience flashbacks to their first encounter and the time since.
I can't say that this movie is the kind that I would say I enjoy. It is just really dark. I will say that the movie is really good, and it kept my attention for the whole time. In a way, it is a psychological thriller that slowly unfolds, revealing the details that really happened, resulting in the situation in which the two men end up locked in an apartment.
I thought the acting was really good. Since the movie stands primarily on the interaction between two characters in the confines of one apartment, a lot depends on their interactions. James Marsden, who I primarily know as Cyclops from the X-Men movies, is really amazing as the studly, gay Casanova. Scott Speedman, who most people would know from the show Felicity, does a wonderful job of playing a man who has lost his grip on reality as he takes on an Ahab-obsession with getting revenge on the man he believes completely destroyed his life.