Mrs. Kitchen


Mrs. Kitchen
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Go Forth And Cook!

Food & Drink > Recipes > Meal Planning

Meal Planning

There was a lady who used to post on MyBloggers: Sumkindabitch, or something like that, and she often would mention what she was cooking for supper. I enjoyed that so much, because it was like talking to a friend. Yes, sad to say, I have arrived at that time of life when what's for dinner and that twinge in your thumb are interesting to me. One of these days I'll do a "You Know You're Old When..." as if that probably hasn't been done many times before.

So why don't I do a better job of telling you what I'm cooking? I don't know, time gets away from me, I suppose. Part of it was I got the idea I had to give you recipes all the time. The recipes I post are often ones that caught my eye, either because they were outrageous, or I thought I was going to try them. But sometimes I do share the recipe for something I just made.

For the most part, I have no idea what I'm going to cook for the next meal until it's time to start preparing it. And once it's done, I feel like 'there's lunch out of the way, now what in the world am I going to cook for supper?'

Today's lunch was no different. Mr. Kitchentales works so hard, I want to put a delicious meal in front of him. What I came up with today was a variation on breakfast food.

I sliced half an onion and a couple of potatoes into a cast iron skillet with a little olive oil. Covered with a lid, they cooked on low until browned and tender through. In a separate pan, I put some "Pieces and Ends" bacon (it's scraps that have a lot of meat on them) in a small frying pan and cooked them slowly until they were absolutely crisp, even the fat. When the potatoes were done, I put them in the skillet along with a couple tablespoons of sour cream and some snipped chives from the garden. If I had put cheddar cheese, they could be called Loaded Country Fried Potatoes.

I fried a couple of eggs in the bacon fat in that small skillet, and that was lunch. We could have had toast, but didn't.

Okay, I do know what's for supper this one time: leftover pasta cheese pie. He likes it.

Pasta Cheese Pie

Cook some pasta, usually spaghetti. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, parmesan cheese, an egg, minced garlic, and salt and pepper. Depending on what I have on hand, I'll add pesto, Italian herbs, chopped spinach, cooked bacon, feta cheese and so on. When the pasta is done, drain it and let it cool somewhat. Stir the pasta into the cheese mixture and turn it into a pie pan or a baking dish, making edges and then a depression in the middle. Bake it at 350 for 30 - 40 minutes or until it's heated through and the cheese is bubbling. Top it with heated spaghetti sauce to serve.

I'll serve it with garlic bread made from a loaf I baked last week. I probably won't make a big deal out of it, just brush with olive oil that's had minced garlic sitting in it all afternoon, and toast it under the broiler.

And some kind of fresh spinach side dish: either as a salad, or steamed.

posted on June 12, 2013 11:33 AM ()


Cooking shows on tv ---some of those contestants are queer the way they carry on. Some winners do well though financially .
The size of the meals chefs put in would leave me looking for more as i love my tucker
comment by kevinshere on June 13, 2013 11:24 PM ()
I've thought about challenging myself to cook a fancy meal in an hour with no pre-preparation - actually timing it - but I know things would start going wrong, and I'd end up all stressed and yelling at the cat.
reply by kitchentales on June 14, 2013 8:36 AM ()
Ted thinks that is a meal to die for. Meanwhile, I am feeding my burrito addiction and for health's same am folding spinach leaves on top of the
chili, cheese and jalapenos.
comment by elderjane on June 13, 2013 6:04 AM ()
I used up the tortillas, so now I hope to have moved away from the Mexican theme for awhile. Hard to say what that means, but there is chicken in our future.
reply by kitchentales on June 14, 2013 8:34 AM ()
Around here it's sandwiches for lunch every day. Tonight's dinner is fish sticks and frozen fries. I'm even planning ahead; tomorrow night it's mac and cheese. I might even squirt some catchup in for the veg.
comment by nittineedles on June 12, 2013 3:14 PM ()
Bless your heart, Mr. Ktales would love to come live at your house because he loves all that. We're going shopping tomorrow and I'll put some of those ideas on the list. He likes Kraft Mac and Cheese, and I'm not sure if he likes my homemade, but too bad.
reply by kitchentales on June 12, 2013 4:06 PM ()
Oh my, I'm drooling for this and I'm out of potatoes and bacon....
comment by marta on June 12, 2013 2:25 PM ()
That's the way my mother made potatoes sometimes, but without the bacon and sour cream. She bought a big sack of potatoes from the farmer every year, and stored them in an underground pump house in the corner of our yard. She'd send us out there to get a few for dinner, and it wasn't our favorite chore.
reply by kitchentales on June 12, 2013 4:14 PM ()
Yeah, looks like all the rain is staying east of the mid-section.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 12, 2013 1:36 PM ()
There's a news item today that a big wind gust is going to hit the upper midwest, Appalachians, Philadelphia, and maybe Washington.
reply by kitchentales on June 12, 2013 4:15 PM ()
That lunch sounds very much like a breakfast I have often although I don't dirty two pans. I usually break up a spicy sausage patty when the pots and onions are almost cooked. Then push everything to the side and add three scrambled eggs right into the pan. A bit of shredded cheddar and chives (also from the garden) and it's ready! LOL Made myself hungry even tho I'm stressing over the coming flood. But tonight is chicken and fries on one large cookie sheet in the oven. Donna won't be home for dinner.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 12, 2013 12:21 PM ()
That sounds really good. I made eggs over easy, and after all that cast iron cooking, they would stick, so that's why there was two pans, but I know what you are saying: less is more, especially when you're batching it. I just looked at your forecast. It sounds really trite to say it, but I will anyway: we could really use some of that here in Colorado.
reply by troutbend on June 12, 2013 12:27 PM ()

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