Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

News & Issues > Wall Street Debacle ...

Wall Street Debacle ...

The employees are being let into Lehmann Brothers HQ in New York City tonight, in preparation for tomorrow when that old Wall Street firm will file for bankruptcy.

Bank of America will buy Merrill Lynch for about 29 dollars a share.

The Federal government has announced that it will not bail out any more banks or brokerage firms. That is good, because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was enough, and probably too much.

The latter two quasi-private mortgage banks received the largess of the taxpayers in excess of 200 billion dollars!

All the prognosticators say there will be many more bank failures and probably a few insurance companies and brokerage/investment banks, too.

The Dow Futures are at about minus 280. That is the overnight "guess" at where the market will open tomorrow morning. I have never, ever seen the Dow futures figure that low!

This is really scary.

Tomorrow could be a new Black Monday.

Pray for the country. And vote in a new President in November! The fools now in power have ruined it.

Their entire program has been nothing more than to reward their wealthy backers.

posted on Sept 14, 2008 6:54 PM ()


I'm afraid to check on the stock market today. I usually don't get anxious, but I'm concerned about its future--and ours.
comment by solitaire on Sept 16, 2008 1:48 PM ()
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse... It keeps getting more and more messed up. I kind of wonder how someone who's as clueless as Bush could have gotten away with fixing the elections? (Actually Al should have been a bit more aggressive in demanding a complete recount of Florida and Kerry more aggressive in rebutting the swiftboat attacks.) Well, we have what we have now. How do we get out? Oh yes... elect the right people NOW!!
comment by sunlight on Sept 16, 2008 2:42 AM ()
Well. I told you so.
comment by jondude on Sept 15, 2008 2:43 PM ()
Did you see him.Bush.Said not to worry.Okay will see
comment by fredo on Sept 15, 2008 10:19 AM ()
Breaking News Alert: Bush is speaking on the economy at an urgently called 11:10 a.m. ET press conference today.

Honestly now, does anybody actually have the stomach to listen to Bush speak on the economy???
comment by marta on Sept 15, 2008 7:41 AM ()
We are all holding our breath waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even my craziest friends can't be dissuaded from voting republican. I gotta get me some new friends. Any day now, George Bush is about to tell us that the economy has turned the corner. It's wonderful we elected a mental midget to the presidency.
comment by thestephymore on Sept 15, 2008 1:33 AM ()
Breaking News Alert/The New York Times (Sunday, September 14, 2008 -- 10:23 PM ET):
A.I.G. Seeks $40 Billion in Fed Aid to Survive: The American International Group is seeking a bridge loan from the Federal Reserve as it faces a potential downgrade from credit ratings agencies.
comment by marta on Sept 14, 2008 8:12 PM ()
Monday the catastrophic unregulated economic policies and failed programs of the Bush administration and its supporters slam into the reality wall. This disaster, dust and ashes rightfully belong at their feet. Unfortunately, the economic lives of millions of people are caught in this unraveling financial nightmare. Enough is enough! The election of Barack Obama cannot come soon enough!
comment by marta on Sept 14, 2008 7:48 PM ()

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