Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Food & Drink > Tomato Sauce Day ...

Tomato Sauce Day ...

Pomodori San Marzano, an Italian plum tomato. Never make sauce with eating tomatoes. They do not contain enough pulp and have too many seeds.

I found 35 wide mouth quart mason jars. I washed them and counted out new dome lids. On Saturday I bought two bushels of Italian plum tomatoes. I washed all the stock pots and the tools. Ready to begin the hard stuff now.

I plan three sauces today:

1: (Pasta Sauce #1) An Emilio Romagna sauce based on the Bolognese sauce. It was one I made about six years ago in Long Beach and was a real hit. It includes carrots, celery and red wine.

2: (Pasta Sauce #2) A salsa alla Modena, which must contain lots of Balsamic vinegar in the sauce. I made a version a few years ago and loved it.

3: (Chili Sauce) A chili sauce for chili lovers. It will contain lots of Sandia New Mexico hot green chilis. I won't dare give many of these jars to relatives here, most of whom don't enjoy heat on the tonsils. I am not fond of pedestrian chili that doesn't contain heat.

Here is the first phase of making the sauces:

Act I, Scene I... The chef showers, scours his hands and dons old clean clothing, including a red shirt and a headband.

Act I, Scene II... Wash jars and put aside. Wash everything else, including cutting board, pots and lids, blender and food mill, knives and stirring spoons.

Act I, Scene III... Make a pot of coffee and take a break whilst everything dries. Plan Act II while relaxing.

I will post photos later.

posted on Aug 26, 2008 9:37 AM ()


Yummy! I saw on your "Wrecked" post that you use a Foley-type food mill. I got one from a thrift store, and tried it ONCE, and gave up. You can get a plastic tomato press that works wonders with both tomatoes and apples (cooked or steamed to a mush). The tomato pulp comes out the front, and the skin and seeds come out the side. I got mine from a Canadian company, but here's the exact same one I have:

A good group to join if you enjoy canning is Canning2 on

I picked about 1.5 bushels of apples for free today, so I have lots of dehydrating and canning ahead of me for the next few days. My tomatoes are late this year, and are still green, but I'm looking forward to making salsa and tomato sauce with them.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Aug 27, 2008 8:45 PM ()
Love this post!! I don't own a red shirt but, when making sauce, I wear an apron...
comment by looserobes on Aug 26, 2008 2:51 PM ()
Have you every used the white balsamic? It is absolutely delicious--milder than the regular.
comment by angiedw on Aug 26, 2008 11:04 AM ()
Happy saucemaking! And what are the kitties doing to help? Any inspirational saucy music playing as accompaniment? What's your preferred Balsamic vinegar?
comment by marta on Aug 26, 2008 10:47 AM ()
You are so lucky to be able to cook like that!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 26, 2008 9:56 AM ()
If I have the roma tomato we always used this as a sauce.
Bowties with chicken bits is great with this.
Your right on the eating tomato,lots of seed and water to boot.
But it can be done if you doctor it up some.
comment by fredo on Aug 26, 2008 9:56 AM ()
When I'm making spaghetti for dinner I tel DH to wear his red shirt.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 26, 2008 9:53 AM ()
How terrific. My husband made sauce for the first time the other day and it was fabulous. The last of it was eaten on top of spaghetti squash. Yum. It's gone now, so he needs to make more and we have a ton of tomato's with which to make it. Have fun Jon.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 26, 2008 9:50 AM ()

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